Part 20

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You turned over, slowly opening your eyes as you saw a concerned Chara and Joseph looking over you. You sat up as you held onto your head, the events of what just happened playing out in your mind.

You had done it, you had killed Dio. You also had his diary and his carcass should be nearby unless Chara already asked for a vial of blood.

Despite this you still asked the cliché question of:

"W-what happened?"

Joseph spoke up.

"You and Jotaro killed Dio, you destroyed his stand and that's what finally killed the immortal turd."

"This may seem a bit odd but, can I have a vial of his blood? If there's any left of course."

"Your girlfriend already has the vial, she explained the situation and I also used hermit purple on you just in case, you have a good spirit kid. Thank you for what you've done."

You nodded trying to climb off the small bed you were on, Chara supporting you as you did so.

"I would also reccomend you take it easy for a bit, you got hit pretty hard by The World, and without a stand to protect you that must have done quite a bit of damage."

"I've dealt with worse." you managed to reply, which wasn't exactly wrong considering you had been almost crushed, impaled by yourself, impaled and chopped up by a murderous child, and also been attacked by wolves.

Joseph gave a short hmmm. He then continued to speak.

"I know what you plan to do next by the way, and listen to me, if it somehow works, you have to finish it."

You nodded, it would be irresponsible of you to take the aja mask & stone and then skiddadle off to your own universe again.

"I also know what you plan to do after that and they would be perfectly happy with the offer and would probably accept."

You still were unsure of one thing though.

"Joseph, do you think that-"

"Some things are better left unchanged, even if it did work I don't think Caesar would have wanted to become the very thing he trained to destroy."

You nodded yet again. You looked towards Chara.

"Can you take us back to the hotel?"

"Alright, well old man, it was good to meet you but we gotta go."

"Safe travels you two."

Chara teleported and you were both in the room again, you seperate yourself from Chara as you stumbled towards the bathroom.

"Uh Y/N? Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna throw up!" you quickly muttered out, your stomach was doing something odd and you didn't like it.

Chara took your arm and brought you closer to the toilet, you leaned down over it as you started salivating, the feeling in your stomach getting worse, you started to gag as Chara rubbed circles onto your back.

The pressure built up and.

You threw up, the expected greenish yellow liquid was mixed with a few different shades of red, it didnt stop, it wouldnt end. You felt your eyes start to water as you started taking deep breaths while what was left of the vomit remained on your tongue.

It tasted of blood, vomit and some sort of electric current.

You started crying, it wasn't something unusual, it felt weird when you threw up, feeling your own body refuse it's own contents as it forces it out of you would never be a nice thing to go through.

Chara rubbed your back as you continued to cry, you weren't okay. Something The World did to you clearly hurt you more then expected.

Chara held onto you as you rested your chin on the seat, finally calming down, she slowly spoke up.

"Hey, you okay?"

You shook your head as Chara slowly guided you back to the bed.

"Just rest, you did a lot and your body probably had a bad reaction with the pill, rest until morning and we can go see Joseph and Jotaro, they gave me their address so we can go there whenever we need."

You lied down as you cuddled with Chara, despite just killing a century old vampire, you felt weak, small and vulnerable.

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