Part 32: Last Hope

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You, Michael, Alex and Chara were sitting at a table, you had all decided to go get lunch while planning how to go around bringing back Jason.

Chara chewed on one of her chips, one thing you would never understand is why she put melted chocolate all over them, wasn't your problem though.

"Did you two find where he's buried?"

"We know the grave site, not where in it though, mostly because it would look odd for us to be walking around a grave site looking at every single stone." Alex responded to your question.

"Why would it look odd? It's been less then two months and the holidays would be the perfect time to do so, you bloody idiots."

"We weren't exactly thinking clearly alright?" Michael spoke up, clearly annoyed already.

"Me and Chara have been risking our fucking lives for this and your only excuse is 'we were not thinking clearly'? Fucking idiots. Look, fighting won't solve anything, at 12 am we meet at the hill me and Chara first returned from, we go find his grave and we bring him back, me and Chara will send him to a different universe and you can clear up the mess. Alright?"


You nodded, now you were all in agreement you took Chara's hand and teleported home.


You saw the pair come up the hill, you and Chara stood as you went to meet them.

Alex and Michael led you to the grave site.

After about 5 minutes of searching you called out to the others, you had found Jason's grave.

Alex handed you the shovel as you began digging at the dirt, pulling out a coffin as you undid the top half of the hatches.

The awful stench of rotting flesh hit your nose as you took out the mask, stone and vial of blood.

You poured the blood onto Jason' partially rotten skull as you slipped the red stone into the mask.

"If this doesn't work we can't bring him back."

You placed the mask onto Jason's skull as you put your hand up to the stone, creating a small spark.

The bone needles extended, cracking the skull and getting caught in it.

You waited, nothing happened. You lowered your hand as the mask shattered from its use.

"Well. There we go, he' s gone forever."

A single tear rolled down your cheek as you heard something behind you.

You turned around to see Ink, standing there infront of a puddle of, well ink.

"Hey Y/N, it's done."

<== To be continued... ==============

Well uh, that's the end of Universal Adventures. The unitale story isn't over, even if this book is. I'm still unsure of what powers to give in the mha book I'm gonna write but oh well.

Another thing, I won't be uploading the next unitale book until I can find a good book cover, so uh. That may take a while.

Hope you enjoyed, the next book is called "UniTale: Settling Down"

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