A New World

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You pulled Chara through the portal, letting time resume to it's natural pace.

You looked around to find yourself in a white void, nothing besides Chara could be seen. You turned to Chara, a clearly worried look on her face.
Her autophobia, Crap.

Chara sat down tucking her knees into her stomach.

"I-is this where we're m-meant to be?"

"No, something pulled us here, I know the route back to my universe but something pulled us awry, and to what looks like the anti-void.


"Where Error stayed for most of his life as a destroyer. There's nothing here, it's the empty husk of the time line he came from."

There was a sound from behind you. You spun around drawing your knife as you saw a splatter of paint on the ground as a skeleton pulled himself from the mess.


you kept your knife pointed at him as he looked at you and put his hands up while walking towards you.

"H-hey there. I'm guessing your Y/N right?"

"What do you want Ink." You were being cautious, you knew what and who he was associates with.

"Oh, you know who I am?"

"Damn straight, I also know who you associate with and what you're gonna do to some of the AUs."

Ink dropped his arms as he stopped walking, his tone instantly becoming less happy.

"Right. Anyways I'm here to check you killed Error, right?"

"Yeah, he's a pile of dust who knows where."

"Alright, well I wanna thank you as he was a pain to deal with, name what you want as a token of appreciation and it'll be done."
You looked back towards Chara as you asked if you could speak with Ink in private, she agreed to it. Ink teleported you two a fair bit away to discuss the gift.


Ink waved you off as you and Chara walked through the portal he made, Ink agreed to lend you the energy expired to get here and to give you a portal to your universe a few hours after you left.

Upon walking through you and Chara found yourselves on a hill, you looked around to see your school. People were Pilling out, desperate to get out of the place they just spent the last 7 hours at. You took your phone out of your jacket as you rang the group chat  Alex made. A few seconds after ringing the two joined. You smirked as you said.

"I'm back."


"I'm fucking back."


"better then okay. Bloody saved her universe."

"Alright Michael shut up, where are you Y/N?"

"You know the hill nearby? I'm on there, Chara is with me. Get up here."

You left the chat as you put your phone away, you turned to Chara.

"Welcome to my universe."

"Who were you talking to?"

"Alex and Michael, they were the only two people I let in on the plan. Any more and the group wouldn't have been able to get anything done."

"ugh. Not Michael..."

"He's actually a lot more. Okay not modest but much less rude."

"I'm gonna take your word for it. Anyways what did you ask for from Ink, surely a portal wasn't everything right?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out. Anyways we have a while to ourselves, what do ya wanna do while here?"

"Meet your parents, find a good food place and the rest is up to you."

"Well I mean there is a Dominos in town... Also your only gonna meet my mum, my dad is only around on weekends and he's out on a work trip for a few months anyways."

"Eh okay, I think I see them coming up now..."

You turned to see Alex and Michael walking up the hill, they ran towards you as soon as they spotted you.


"What else would I have done?"

"Y/N what the hell happened to you?" Alex piped in, clearly looking at your torn clothes.

"Fought a chainsaw wielding murdering physcopath."

"Oh so you kil- WAIT YOU KILLED SHIFTY?!?"

"Yeah, they're permanently dead unless Sans fucks up the absorption and the soul gets a chance to reset."

"So you me-"

"Yes the storyshift AU is safe. Listen I'm drained from all the crap of the last few days I've had to do. Yes days, yes time travel is confusing." you answered your friends questions before they asked.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Michael asked.

"well uh." you summoned a knife.
"probably relax for a few days, it's the holidays now right?"


"That settles it then. Chara, the next few weeks are gonna be epic."

"uh Y/N you should probably catch your bus..."


You started running down the hill, Chara in hot pursuit.

"HAVE A GOOD SUMMER YOU TWO!" you called from behind. You were excited and Chara could see it clear as day.

UniTale: Universal Adventures [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now