Part 13

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You sat down, back in the tree house where you didn't have to deal with anyone's crap, you stayed still, yet again thinking about ending it all. Yet still deciding against it. Maybe when you got Jason back somehow you would, but not right now.

You were bored out of your mind, there was nothing to do here, you and Jason used to pass the time by chatting about the random shit that came to your minds, like how bicycle tyres were made. But he wasn't here, and that showed you how little this place really had to it, even if it was just a random hut in the middle of a forest in a tree.

You perked your head up, there was something nearby, there was a crunch of leaves. Multiple crunches, it wasn't a human nearby, then you heard it.

A growl.

"Wolves..." you said to yourself, standing up as you looked out of the door, there were 4 of them, all circling the ladder. You rolled your eyes, summoning 5 knives around you.

You needed to let out some anger anyways.

You jumped from the tree. Projecting the knives towards the wolves, distracting them long enough for you to land. You turned to face them, they were now circling you. You drew your knife, keeping a low stance, keeping aware of all of them.

One jumped at you from behind, you tore through it's flesh as it dove right besides you, blood splattering all along your face and clothes, the wolf stayed down, it's stomach leaking all it's contents as it slowly passed away.

You looked at the other wolves, them now circling you slower, trying to monitor your movements.
You were tired of waiting, you rushed at one as you froze time and severed it's head from it's body, time unfroze as blood yet again splattered onto your jacket, it now appearing more black then purple. You turned yet again as the rest of the wolves slowly backed off, keeping their eyes locked on you. 

You however weren't going to let them get away. you summoned two knives, chucking them at the wolves who could do nothing but take it.

You had done it, you had killed a pack of wolves as you climbed back up the ladder. you tore your jacket off you as you removed both it and your shirt, not wanting to have the blood on you any longer.

There was still a large amount on your stomach and face but what were you going to do, there wasn't a water source nearby and you didn't feel like going home.
You were still angry, that 'fight' hadn't been nearly as exciting as you thought it would have. You punched the wall, desperate to let it all out, there was a hole where your fist had landed, with shards of wood all around it. (Your physical strength is enhanced by magic)

You sighed, that had helped a lot and now you felt empty, you sat back against the wall yet again as you tried to fall asleep, somehow succeeding.

Chara pulled her way through the branches, looking from the way the knife was angled it came from the hedge, she pulled through to see a small path, following it as she began to focus more on her surroundings, now being in a forest. She continued to walk, a weird smell filling her nose.


Chara sped up, looking around for the source of the smell, if you were hurt she wouldn't have been able to forgive herself, you may have been hard on her but it was unfair for Chara to not think about her response, you had been through a lot and Chara should of considered this, yet she had not.
Eventually Chara had found the large splatters of blood and corpses of wolves, she climbed up the nearby ladder. Rushing over to you as she saw the blood on you.


"Y/N! Y/N! WAKE UP Y/N!!!"

You felt yourself being shaken as you opened your eyes to see Chara, distress clearly on her face. You shoved her back, of course she had gone to look for you. Why wouldn't she? Your anger had returned as you yelled.


"Y/N, are you ok?"

You grabbed your shirt and jacket as you threw yourself out of one of the windows, freezing time yet again.

You went as far as you could in stopped time, only releasing your grip on it as you felt yourself tripping on the ground. You continued to march on, Chara needed to learn when to stop, she hadn't done jack shit to save her universe so why was she suddenly putting in so much effort.

You lost track of time as you eventually found a river, Chara was nowhere to be seen. You sighed, sitting down as you started washing the blood off of you and your clothes.


Chara ran through the forest, now knowing that you were okay she needed to apologise, she knew that you needed your space but a apology might speed up the process.

Eventually Chara gave up, she sighed, despite knowing the fact you were capable of taking down anything that came towards you she couldn't help but worry. She pulled herself up a tree, looking around for a second, before teleporting away.

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