Part 11

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You and Chara say down at a table, you had managed to somehow convince your mum to let you and Chara out, probably because she thought it would strengthen your relationship.


Char looked towards you with a confused face.
"Yeah? What is it?"

"Why are you helping me, I understand that you wanna help because I helped you but wouldn't you prefer to be with your family?"

"Y/N, I have been stuck with them for years and years on end, you have no idea how much I've wanted to get away from them."

"So your using me as a holiday ticket..."

"I-i, don't try to put it like that."

"then why are you helping me, a honest answer." your inner judge was showing, the merciless killer you could have been should someone have gone through your town.

"I owe you and Jason, ontop of keeping me mentally sound because of that, you also helped me fight, you then came and saved my universe. We already discussed this, I want to pay you back. And I love you, Jason means a lot to you so I wanna bring him back for your own sake. And your great company. "

You weren't exactly impressed, you expected this type of response from a 7 year old, while Chara may have physically been your age. She would have continued to develop throughout the resets, mentally ill or not.

"So how old are you, really."

"I don't know, I lost track of time, eventually I stopped writing down the days on the reset log book."

"What's the last number you remember?"

"I think... 1400-ish"

You quickly did some mental arithmetic.

"so your more then 4 years older then me, you are a adult, and give the response of a seven year old."

"Y/N please don't do this."

"No, I'm fucking done! I' ve had to deal with enough bullshit the past few months, being put through several life or death situations, seeing my best friend die, working my ass off for several weeks and saving a entire UNIVERSE! For what? A response from a adult who should be far more mature then anyone else of their age of a 6 year old?! No, I'm fucking done!"

You stood up as you walked away from the table. You heard Chara calling for you as she chased you. You looked at her in disgust before freezing time and finding somewhere else to cool off.

UniTale: Universal Adventures [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now