Part 24

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You closed the book, the philosophical debates of what you just read were whirring through your mind.

Heaven, a concept that still hadn't been fully understood, even if it was something people had found out how to achieve.

36 souls of sinners.
A friend you could trust.
The 14 phrases.
The location.
The courage to discard your soul.

All of these were vital parts of heaven, a place, or should I say concept, that was so mystifying and unknown.

You sat in thought as you heard the shuffle of bed sheets, you looked up to see Chara pulling herself out of bed, you looked back down, continuing to think about the topic you had just read so much about.

"Morning Y/N." Chara said with a relatively cheery attitude.

"Morning C." you replied, a happy tone underlying your voice.

"How long you been up for?"

"Long enough to read the entirety of this." you placed the diary down on the TV stand.

"Oooooo, so thats his diary right? What's inside?"

"His thoughts about his life and the situation he was in, aswell as instructions on how to ascend to heaven."

"So how to commit suicide?"

You slightly winced at the word, you had thought about it a few times yet you continued to stay strong.

"Not exactly, he has this philosophy that whoever views heaven will be the victor of any situation, so he strived to achieve it, in a nutshell heaven is, from what I understood, the state of believing you are the pinnacle of power, no self doubt and unrivaled resolve.

Otherwise known as utmost certainty."

"and did he achieve it?"

"not quite, he managed to find the recipe for it, but he could not enact it, his view on what heaven really is was wrong anyways."

"what is it then?"

"A change in one's power, there are 2 occurances of one attaining 'heaven' the first was Enrico Pucci, his stand changed entirely, from originally being able to manipulate the disks of someone's stand and memories to being able to control gravity, it was then changed again to being able to accelerate time so far the universe died and was reborn, all in a matter of minutes. The other was Dio himself, a different universe one, but dio nonetheless, the result was a massive boost to his timestop abilities, increasing from atleast 5 seconds to infinity. He also gained the secondary ability to overwrite reality, provided his fists came into contact with it."

"So he became God?"

"only at close range if his opponent didn't dodge his fists, but otherwise yes."

"Should we attempt to ascend then? The power boost would be great."

"No, there's several issues with it, first we need the soul's of 36 sinners, then we need a friend that we can trust from the bottom of our hearts, free of the desire of lust, gluttony and greed. Neither of us can act as that for each other, Jason could for me but we need to revive him first, and then we need to be in a specific location, and THEN have the courage to shatter our souls, even if temporarily, the 14 phrases were only used to act as a trust mechanism and a way to stay calm, but we should use them just in case.

Point is we don't have what we need. "

"Alright, well are you feeling better from last night?"

"Physically? My stomach still hurts like a bitch but I dont feel sick any more, emotionally? Still not the best."

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