Birthday party

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Yes i'm matching this chapter to be on my birthday because fuck you. February 24'th is your birthday now.


You looked around the hill you were on, you smiled, there was peace at last, error was killed, Shifty unable to reset and the X-Event no longer being a issue.

You pulled out the overwrite button as your smile faded, despite the fact you had the power to re-write existence you couldn't revive Jason, it just couldn't be done, you missed him, he was there one moment and gone the next, you sighed as the button fizzled into nothing as you set back down to your and Chara's house, ready to enjoy the rest of the evening.

You opened the doors to see the entire house was dark, Chara never drew the blinds shut and kept the lights off at the same time, you re-summoned the overwrite button as you summoned a knife in case of a attack.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard as the lights flickered on, in front of you was a sign that said "Happy Birthday Y/N". You looked around to see confetti and balloons as the friends you had made across the universes wore party hats and celebrated, you looked around, seeing the few people who were there, Chara, Asriel, Joseph, Caesar (lol not from my first story), Jotaro and Kakyoin were all waving their hands about as they yelled (not jotaro obviously, he's still the brooding edge lord).

You let the button and knife dissipate, Chara tackled you into a hug.

"Whats all this then?" you asked, you knew, of course you did, but it would be rude to not ask.

"Your birthday silly, thats why I wanted you out of the house for today, me and everyone needed to set things up."

You grinned, the effort Chara put into the relationship you two had only grew stronger since you left the battle tendency timeline, and far stronger across the years in-between that and the X-Event, you returned this effort obviously and had lived happily for a few years, you were known among your super powered friends as the strongest warrior the multiverse had seen, the ability to re-write reality, stop and rewind time, reset, and use magical knives. You were the biggest powerhouse around and you saved universes from the genocider of their world. You and Chara had earned a fair amount of money from your reality saving endeavours. You weren't in your physical prime but you were in your most powerful state.

You let go of the hug as you went to go talk to the others, learning that a device Chara and Asgore built could link together universes, even if only for a few seconds at a time, allowing Asriel to attend.

You all chatted away for a few hours as the sun set and moon rose, you ate the cake with a mini figure of the picture in your pocket.

You, Chara and Jason, both under your arms as you grinned. 

You smiled, it was however faint.

You thanked everyone as you ate cake and wished each other a good night, you headed back inside as you collapsed on the couch. Chara sitting down besides you.

"Thanks for today C."

"No problem, it's your what? 24'th or 5'th?"

"5'th. I'll tell you this though, I'm reallyyyyyy tired."

"then go to sleep, we can clean up tommorow."

"Alright, night C."

"Goodnight Y/N"

You shut your eyes as you leaned on Chara, soon enough you were asleep.


This is another dream. or is it a future memory??? HMMMMM

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