Part 7

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You opened your eyes, (i need to find some more opening words) you still felt quite unstable as you tried to stand, you were a bit wobbly but at least you could walk.

You looked around to see nobody, you stretched as you sat back down, still trying to wake up from the fatigue.

Eventually you managed to fully wake yourself up. Upon reaching this discovery you saw Chara and Asgore walk in.

"heheh, Sorry Y/N I really should have told you the effects of the machine shouldn't I?"

"Yeah you probably should have, are the results in?"

"Yes, you are completely fine besides a little bit of strain on your soul and an inability to use magic for a day."

"Alright, thanks Asgore."

"No need, anyways, from what Chara told me you burn yourself and your magic supply out quite often."

"With the magical cost it takes to do what I do, you could say that, why?"

"I have developed a few tablets with magical energy within them, if you eat one your magic will instantly be replenished, I have 12 ready right now but I would not recommend using one right now, they are extremely hard to make and should only be used mid combat or in self defence."

"Alright, I suppose they would work with anyone or anything, like they probably work for humans since you designed them as such, but they also probably work for monsters too right?"


"I can definitely see why that would be hard to recreate, especially considering monsters have varying physical forms."

"It was indeed quite a struggle, however I have one last thing to show you. If you would please follow me."

You got up and followed Asgore as he led you to another room, this one having a ballistics dummy and a table with a box on it, Chara stood waiting for you.

"Hope you slept well."

"I've had worse."

"that is a shame."

"Anyways, what are we doing in this room?"

"Open the box Y/N, you'll know what to do."

You walked over the previously mentioned box, upon opening it you saw a knife, you picked it up as you examined it.

It felt like you had already been using it for years, despite only now picking it up, the groves in the grip perfectly matched your finger placement as you chucked it up and down, it had a perfect weight in the hilt as you walked towards the ballistics dummy.

You took a deep breath in before slicing down diagonally, the dummy instantly started leaking the red substance packaged inside it, you kept slicing, getting into a rhythm before impaling the dummy and pulling the knife upwards, it's left shoulder being cut clean off.

You looked back at the pair who were just watching, before Chara, as usual, spoke up.

"You like it?"

"It's perfect, the groves in the hilt match my grip and the weight in the hilt makes it easy to slice through the dummy, it feels like I've been using it for years."

"Good, it was designed to be that way, considering the knives you previously used were generic kitchen knives a specialised one would make you a even greater fighter and allow more magic knives to be used."

"So I'm guessing that this was the second thing you wanted to ask Asgore about."

"Yep, Asgore also received a message from Sans while you were out cold, he's gonna give a speech tomorrow about how we now have all the souls, he wants us to be special guests."

"I mean I'm not going anywhere for a day at least, so I don't see why not."

"Great, it'll probably be some extremely formal 'residents-of-the-underground' type thing."

You nodded as Asgore handed you a leather object with a clip on it.

"It's a sheath, it would be uncomfortable to be carrying that knife all the time so I made one to put it at your side, you can clip it onto your trousers and it won't come off."

"Well thats everything we came for, thanks dad. Me and Y/N will be heading off now." Chara butted in.

"Well it was good seeing you again Chara, it was good to meet you Y/N."

"Likewise." You replied.

You raised your hand in a parting motion as you followed Chara out into the hotlands yet again.


You arrived back in Snowdin thanks to one of Chara's 'Shortcuts'. You two went to go get some food at Grillby's before before Chara took your hand yet again and teleported you both to a cliff in waterfall.

"Y/N..." Chara said while sitting down on the edge.


"Thank you..."

"For what?"

"For everything, the darkened rooms, you helped me, when I was about to be killed by those shiftys, you came in and defended me. In the fight against Error, you were making sure I wasn't getting overwhelmed by attacks while you fought. You travelled to a different universe to make sure I was safe, then took down the person who plagued it for so long, you brought freedom. Thank you."

"It's okay, I owed you a lot too, without you I wouldn't be able to use magic, learn that the rooms weren't a dream and find you, if you weren't with me I would still be in there or possibly dead. You saved me and my life, I will return the favour."

"Y/N..." Chara stood up as she walked towards you.


Chara kissed you, you held it for as long as you could, when you eventually parted lips Chara continued.

"I'll miss you..."

"What do you mean?"

"Your gonna have to go back to your own universe eventually. It wouldn't be fair to your family members and I wouldn't be able to come with you."

"Why not?"

"Where would I stay, I wouldn't have any money to get food or anything."

"Chara..." You fell silent.

"Chara I can always visit you and come back!" You started laughing.

Chara froze, her brain processing what she just heard. 

"Shut up Y/N" Chara muttered while looking down, giant blush clearly indicating her embarrassment.

You kept laughing.

Eventually you stopped and Chara took you back to Snowdin. Upon opening the door to the house Asriel informed you that Toriel had left and went back to waterfall.

You spent the rest of the day messing around with the siblings as you pushed the thought of all the trouble you would be in out of your mind.

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