Part 12: A Visit From A Friend

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You pulled yourself up the rungs of the ladder, your eyes readjusting to the dark as the sun was setting behind you.

You knew it was wrong of you to yell at Chara, but you weren't ready for any of this. All you wanted in life was to find a job you didn't hate and supply yourself, then you get chucked into all this universe hopping BS. You sat down against a wall as you sighed, you were in a tree house, somewhere in a large forest, the tree house, the one you and Jason had built a few years ago, you and him were the only people who knew about it. Well, I guess it was just you now.

You pulled your knees to your chest as you tried to imagine what your life would be like if this never happened.

You would be at home on your computer watching some stupid video about some YouTube analytics scam. That sounded amazing right now, yet you couldn't. All because of some egotistical glitch who couldn't leave you alone.

You let your head droop, the past months finally being too much to bear. You cried, you couldn't understand why Chara couldn't be mature, why Ink refused to bring back Jason, why Error dragged you into this and why Michael was such a dick. You cried, pulling out your knife as you thought about what would happen if you ended it here.

A reset most likely, Chara would eventually figure out you had died, do a reset and you would be back in this hell. You raised the knife, bringing it to the roof of your mouth. It was at least worth trying once, right?

"Not going well, huh?"

You froze, that voice was familiar, too familiar. You turned slowly to where the sound came from, shocked from what was before you.

Jason, but not as you remembered him, he was transparent, greyed out and leaning on a wall, he spoke.

"I'm not him ya know."

you were silent, the knife fell from your hands, clattering on the floor.

"I'm not Jason, I may have his memories and personality, but I am not him, Jason is dead, I am only what you remember about him, viewable only to you."

"Why are you here..." you mumbled, putting your head back to your knees.

"Enough about me, what's wrong with you?"

You stayed silent for a moment.


"what about her?"

"I'm not ready for anything, I wasn't ready for error, the rooms, storyshift. I wasn't ready for anything and I'm still not."

"So your here to let out your emotions..."


You felt something phase through you. You looked up to see the ghost in front of you.

"I don't know what I expected, but clearly phasing through you wasn't it."

You put your head back down. The ghost stayed silent. You weren't sure how or when. But you eventually fell asleep.

You woke up to a bird tweeting, it was freezing, you turned your head to look out of the window. It may have been summer but the mornings were still freezing. You stood up and grabbed your knife, the ghost was no-where to be seen. You stretched as you thought about what you were going to do today. You jumped down from the tree house, looking from the sun it was either 11am or 1pm, most likely the first. You started trudging off to the park, knowing the route like the back of your hand.

After about 10 minutes you found the clearing to the park. You pulled yourself through the branches as you saw Alex, Michael and Chara talking.
Chara had probably gone to your house and informed the pair about your running away via discord, you weren't in the mood for anything today, you looked behind you to see a fence to a abandoned house with some damaged paper on it, you grabbed it as you wrote down a small note using a pencil you had left in the tree house 5 months ago.

You summoned and knife and punctured the knife with it before throwing it between the trio, then not having noticed your arrival yet. You trudged off as you let the knife dissipate.


Chara looked down, seeing a magic knife with a note attached to it at her feet, she looked to where it came from to see nothing but a giant hedge. She picked up the note, reading it's content to her mutual friends.

It's me, Y/N.
I am not in the mood for anything today, and I don't want to speak to Chara. Common decency made me inform you that I'm fine, don't try to look for me."

"Wait what." Alex grabbed the note and read it through.

"He never was much of a writer..."

"Listen Chara, as much as we've had our 'differences' something you said clearly pissed him off, it takes a fair bit to do that. If he doesn't want to see or speak to you for a while he won't. And if you do somehow find him, you best bet is to approach him slowly as he clearly isn't in the best place mentally right now. "

"That's the first time I've seen you be respectful Michael."

"Don't plan on seeing it ever again, point us we can't help you look for him, your on your own for that."

Michael was already walking away.

"Sorry C, there isn't much we can do." said Alex, him also walking away.

All Chara had to find you now was just a note and some advice

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