Part 16

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You walked while keeping a tight grip on Chara, like most Eastern countries a lot of events were happening at once, it would be less then ideal to get separated.

As you walked you were constantly on the look out for a hotel, you had enough money for at least a 10 day stay which would be enough for you to make a portal back home if you needed it.

Chara was also on the lookout as you had told her what you were searching for, she tugged on your sleeve.

"Over there."

You looked to your right to see a hotel, it seemed like it was a perfect match, the exact location you wanted it to be.

You and Chara walked inside, looking towards the receptionist who raised a eyebrow.

"Hmm? What do we have here. Two lost children? Where are your parents kids?"

"We aren't here with our parents, can you just give us a room?"

"And how do you plan to pay? Your pocket money won't be enou-"

You interrupted her as you slammed the two thousand on the desk.

"A room, 10 days please."

Her child comment had ticked you off, you weren't entirely pissed but it had definitely gotten under your skin.

"Very well, you have a change of 500."

The receptionist handed you a key and your money.

You and Chara headed to a elevator.

"Some fucking people..."

"She wasn't even trying to be nice about it, she was just outwardly taunting us." Chara joined in on the complaining.

"Let's just get settled, the sooner I find out what date it is the better."

"Why do you need to know the date?"

"A fight will happen in this area soon, one of the people involved have regenerative abilities and their blood could be useful."

"How soon is soon?"

"Within 10 days, if not we can head back to my universe and try again later."

You heard the iconic ding indicating you had reached your floor.

You and Chara stepped out, walking along the silent corridor as you found your room, 445.

You unlocked the door as you stepped in, there was a bathroom, king sized bed, wardrobe, TV and balcony.
You threw off your jacket and knife as you went out to watch the city.

Chara stepped out from behind you, also without her jacket. She looked towards you, a mischievous grin on her face.

"So Y/N, we have some time to kill."

"What do you mea-"

You froze. Chara was now behind you with her arms wrapped around you as she nuzzled your neck.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"I-I Chara we can't." you were extremely red now, and Chara knew it.

"Why not? We have time to kill, nobody will interrupt us, there's no reason not to."

"there are 3 reasons not to."


"first, I don't want any thing on what remains of my clothes, second, we still don't know what date it is and we will need all our energy for the fight, and third, you might be pregnant already."

"Oh yo- wait what?"

"We've done it two times, both without protection, either we are extremely lucky if your not or I'm sterile, which I doubt."


"We can always get a pregnancy test if you want."

"N-no, I guess we can always 69..."

"Chara did you listen to the other two points?"

"We can just find a clock, we should also get you a new shirt since yours is torn."

"Yeah we can go now, I have a feeling a store nearby will have a similar shirt."

"No, I'll go, you must be tired from making that portal."

"I have generic morning fatigue and am out of energy from the portal so yes, I am tired, but also yes I can still go."

"but you won't."

You stayed silent, chara smirked as she knew she'd won.

"Now go rest. I'll need your shirt though to compare sizes."

You took off your shirt and handed it to Chara, you promptly went over to the bed and put your knife in a drawer as you collapsed, instantly falling into a trance.

UniTale: Universal Adventures [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now