Part 29

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You were shook awake, you spun around in panic for a few seconds before calming down. You were in a car with Chara, Caesar, Joseph, LisaLisa, Loggins and Messina.

You looked to your left, you saw snow all around, you sat back, knowing you were near the destination.

About half a hour later everyone was in a small rented cabin, tensions between everyone was high, not just because of the fights you had gotten in recently, but also because a fight with Wamuu was about to ensue.

You and Chara were in your own room as you discussed the result of what was to come.

"Do you think Caesar can win?" Chara asked, wanting to know your opinion on the matter.

"He would have won originally if he hadn't left a shadow on Wamuu. Now I've told him to be more careful he likely won't make that mistake, but even so that in turn can change what attacks he uses and when, I do still think he can win but he might not. Unless someone else goes with him but oh well, I won't let him die anyways. He is now this universes best hope."

"Chara's next line is 'I guess that makes sense.' right?"

"I guess that makes sens- huh?!"

You turned over to see where the prediction had come from, to no surprise Joseph was standing there, his shit eating grin on his face.

"The fuck do you want?" you were clearly agitated at the brit just barging into your room.
(on the topic of nationalities, does anybody know what nationality Chara is?)

"I just want to say I'm sorry, I was being a bit of a dickhead back then and I wanna apologise for it."

"You don't wanna apologise do you? Caesar or LisaLisa probably said they wouldn't do some thing unless you did."

"Fine you caught me out, can you just accept it so I can go do my stuff?"

You paused for a second before responding. "Fine, I accept your 'apology' now go screw off out of our room."

Joseph spun around before dashing out of the room, you wondered how he managed to survive all these years.


"You ready Caesar?" Joseph asked, already knowing the answer.

"As I'll ever be."

You were besides the bubbly boi (hope u get that reference), the plan was for Caesar to fight and kill Wamuu, if he was defeated you were to stop time and get him out of there, maybe taking over the fight if it was needed.

You clipped on your knife as you and Caesar hopped over the balcony.

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