Part 8

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Hey there, it's me, the author. BlandyBoi, anyways my computer broke so now I can't play a lot of meh games, so I'll probably upload a lot more often via phone until may or June, so uh. There's the notice.

You awoke to find yourself on the couch. Neither Chara or Asriel were here, you tried to remember what happened last night but nothing came to mind.

You stood up, stretching as you tried to remember anything you had to do today.
San's speech, you and Chara had to go do that. But otherwise you were relatively certain that there was nothing else for today. You walked up the stairs to Chara's room as you knocked on the door. You heard a faint

"Come in."

You entered the room to see Chara sitting at a desk with a book in front of her.

You walked over as you looked at what she was writing. A reset log book.

"What'cha writing?"

"A log book."

"About what?"

"The resets."

"Neat, can I look over it? I wanna know what happened in the weeks I wasn't here."


"Yeah, it took me a few weeks to learn how to cross universes."

"It was only two days for me..."

"... Crap."


"If time moves slower here then I've probably been missing for a few weeks in my universe..."

"Oh that isn't good."

"No. Anyways I'm gonna stick around for Sans's speech today and then I'm gonna head off, you can come with me if you like."

Chara froze for a moment before responding.

"I'd like that... Only for a few hours though."

"It'll be a few days since I won't be able to make another portal but sure, I can introduce you to my mum. Alex and Michael already know you exist, even if it did seem like a dream at first."

"Alright, I'll have to tell mom and Asriel before I go though."

"Sure, go do that now while everybody gets ready."

Chara stood up as she walked out of her room, shutting the door behind her, you opened it a few seconds later as you saw she was no-where in the house.

You knocked on Asriel's door, less then a second later the door opened to reveal the young goat. He was wearing a suit with a bow tie.

"Hello Y/N. I suppose you are ready for the speech King Sans will give soon?"

"Yep, I'm also here to tell you Chara will come with me to my universe for a few days, she already went off to tell Toriel."

"Oh, okay. Have fun in your universe."

"We will."

Asriel shut the door as you went downstairs. You sat down on the couch as you thought about what you would do in your universe. A few seconds later Chara appeared in front of you as she crashed onto your body.


"Oh god, Y/N, are you okay?"

"MY BALLS" you yelled as you bent over, Chara had completely squashed you and that included your genitals.

"Sorry." Chara drew out the word as she put her arm over you.

"Fuck..." you continued. The pain bad enough to distract you from anything else.

UniTale: Universal Adventures [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now