Part 10

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You and Chara sat down as the bus closed it's doors, you were the last to get on, you called your mum as you told her you were bringing someone around.

You sat back, your brain being completely overwhelmed at the events of the past few weeks. Chara smiled.

"So you have any plans?" Chara asked.

"I have a few but those can wait a few days till we properly recover, both physically and mentally, from the last few days. It's been one hell of a roller coaster."

"You can say that again..."

"one thing about this universe, is that we don't know magic exists, mention nothing about monsters or any of that. And if someone asks who your parents are make up some random name and say your from Luxembourg."


"Because nobody will have any files on you here, it's more likely that a fake name will have files."

You both sat in silence as the bus rumbled along it's pre-set route.

"Chara I forgot to mention we really don't have anywhere for you to stay..."

"I'll be fine, I think I can persuade your mum to let me stay a few days."

"Alright... Hey our stops here anyways. Let's go."

You hopped off the bus as you wandered down the back alley to your house.

You knocked on the door to your house. You saw a figure behind the warped glass reach for a handle as you heard a familiar voice.

"Hi Y/N, hope you had a good day at school. Who's this you brought along?!?"

"Chara this is your responsibility now, you can introduce yourself."

You walked past the pair as you turned a corner and walked into your room, grinning like a physcopath as you heard Chara's stutters.


You were checking the flow of the ocean and global warming levels. These both impacted gravity slightly and could cause a issue with travelling universes. You had already hidden your knife away as Chara walked in.

"So, I managed to persuade your mum."

"Alright, that makes things easier."

"What are you doing?"

"Checking the sea level, air pollution, stuff like that. It ever so slightly affects gravity but that slight change could be the difference of going to storyshift and horrortale."

"Then why did you suddenly teleport us out of there without checking?"

"My clothes acted as a anchor between worlds, like a guide rope, I can follow items to the universe they originated in. I check these things as a back up or I need to go to a universe where I don't have a anchor or someone to supply magic to accurately place a portal."

"Accurately place?"

"Yeah, considering I can make a portal and it saps all my energy, someone with a similar amount of magic could transfer it, and then I could use it to be more precise."

"so you check incase I'm not there to power you."

"pretty much. Also watch this."

You held your hand up, a few sparks appearing, you put your hand to the charging port of your computer as you continued to summon sparks. You watched as the battery filled up.

"Neat trick, but what are we gonna do now?"

"rest a bit, talk to Alex and Michael, see if we can find a way to bring-"

You stuttered, it still wasn't easy talking about him. Even if it had been about 2 months since then.


Chara was being nice, she had dropped her tone to a whisper as she wrapped her arms around you.

".. How much did you tell my mum?"

"A fair bit, mostly about our relationship, I managed to tell her that in two days we were gonna go camping. I think I know what you're planning."

"Heh, alright. Yeah I was gonna take you to explore a few different universes. You OK with it?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

She smirked, a small grin crept onto your face aswell.

"Alright, well it's about 4:00 now. So we have a while to go talk to the pair, even if it's on a discord call..."

You pulled out your phone, quickly unlocking it due to the face ID. You opened discord and started a call. Only Alex picked up.

"Hey, what do ya want?"

"Wanna try bringing back Jason?"

"If you have a starting point or plan I'm all ears."

"Me and Chara hop universes, grab a certain item, bing bang boom use it on Jason and he's back."
you sighed, thinking back to the AU's made you think about Ink and the discussion you had, despite the fact he created you and your universe he couldn't recreate or revive Jason.

"What would this item be?"

"Not sure, still thinking about a world with something like that, we would also probably need his body. Which shouldn't be too hard to get, considering magic and all."

"That plan is so flimsy I couldn't snap it if I tried."

"Yep, that's why I need your help, we can discuss this more in person if-"

Michael joined the call, sounding like his usually annoyed self.

"The fuck do you want?"

"Y/N was talking about a flimsy-ass plan to revive Jason using some mysterious object from another universe he doesn't even know exists and then use it on Jason's body buried in some random gravesite."

"Y/N I know most of your ideas are dumb as fuck but that is the most stupid one I have ever heard of so far."

You were getting irritated by him already.

"AS I WAS SAYING! We can discuss it more in person and work out the finer details tommorow or the day after."

"Why so soon?"

"Jason's body has probably already decayed by now so items that might have worked won't any more, the more time we waste the more items that work off a timer since death become unusable."

There was silence, you and Chara looked at each other before back at the phone.

"Alright, meet at the park tommorow, Y/N is probably exhausted and so is Chara. Does 2 pm sound good?"

You thought for a second.

"yeah that could work. See you guys tommorow."

You left the call and there your phone on your bed. You lent back and sighed, they were smart in what they were doing, but so hard to work well with.

You looked up at Chara and smiled.

"C'mon, let's go get some pizza."

UniTale: Universal Adventures [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now