Part 14

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You sat on a tree branch, the sun was setting again as you looked towards the sky.

Your sleep helped only a tiny bit, mostly due to Chara stiring you up again the instant you woke up.

You sighed, grabbing your things as you made your way back home, your clothes had dried out and all the blood was gone, you were thankful for that atleast, walking down a street soaked in blood would not have looked good on your reputation with the law.

The moon was high in the sky as you found your first sign of civilization, a old street. That just so happened to be the one going up to your house. You sighed, you weren't fully ready to go back but it had been a day and you said you would be back.

You froze time as you made your way into your room, carefully to not set off the security, time unfroze as you hung up your jacket, turning to see Chara asleep on the floor in a sleeping bag.

You changed into your pyjamas as you climbed into bed. Maybe a trip to a different universe could fix the cracks in your relationship with Chara.

<== To be continued... ==============

Yus this is a short chapter. I am trying to figure out how to solve plot holes as I try to update often, don't expect something for a day or two because I am big braining the fuck out of this story

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