Part 19: The Only Reason You Lost

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You were shaken awake by Chara as you quickly sat up, you were unnaturally alert, likely due to your body knowing what was about to go down.

You climbed out of the bed as you pulled on your shirt and jacket, quickly walking outside to the sun just setting over the horizon.

You grabbed Chara as you pulled her out into the corridor, finding the fire escape you cambered up it as you found yourself on the roof, you looked around to see the two poles, nobody on them yet, you looked down to see two cars chasing each other across the road and pavement.

One of the vehicles crashed as two men cambered out and made their way towards the pole and the building you and Chara were on.

Noriaki Kakyoin and Joseph Joestar.

The old man climbed up the side of the building using the purple vines you could clearly see, now knowing you could see stands you pulled him up.

"Joseph, I'm here to help you and the others kill Dio, I may not be a stand user but I can tell you that the secret of the worlds power is to stop time, if you don't believe me you can use your stand on me to find out."

Joseph looked towards you before saying.

"Your next line is: All I ask is that you don't interfere with my actions and to get Jotaro here. Am I right?"

"All I ask is that yo- you old geezer." you exclaimed, the old man was as annoying as you thought.

"Don't worry kid, I believe ya. All I want to know though is why you are helping us?"

(play now)
"Doesn't matter right now, I need to focus."

You turned back to the poles, seeing kakyoin and Dio facing off.

Dio was deflecting the emeralds that came at him, finally stopping as he noticed the barrier, the generic dialogue ensued.

"This is..."

"That's right! Heirophant's barrier, which activates when touched, surrounds you completely in a 20 metre radius in every direction, now I can sense both your movements and The Worlds!"


The sign post started collapsing as Noriaki yelled out:


"You fool, you shall soon know, The World's true power is, indeed, the ability to rule over this world!"



Time froze for the first time outside of your control as Dio slowly advanced towards Kakyoin, breaking the barrier as he did so.

You focused the energy inside of you as you counteracted the force of the timestop, essentially resuming time for your exact area.

You rushed at Dio, still being able to fly in stopped time, you sliced his cheek, him somehow still being able to react to you. You slowed down as you screeched to a halt, allowing yourself to freeze to not burn up any more of your already limited energy.

"H-he can move." Dio practically screamed, time unfroze as you grabbed onto what remained of the barrier as you swung yourself onto another building.

You turned to face Dio, who had now been hit by the undeflecatable emerald splash. (at least in this time line) He was falling down to the ground, you looked over to Kakyoin who was staring at you in confusion, you simply nodded at him before jumping down to confront Dio.

You stared at the 100 year old vampire as you landed, brushing yourself off as he spoke.

"You can move in my world of stopped time... Interesting, I will give you a offer, join me in eradicating the Joestars and you can have a reward of whatever you want."

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