Part 15

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You slowly opened your eyes, calmer and less tired then any other time, like you knew it was going to happen and were perfectly prepared.

You sat up and looked over to the side, Chara was still asleep, you slowly climbed out of bed, not fully awake but perfectly aware of what was around you, like you had accepted some unknown fact and were waiting for something to happen.

You got changed as you leaned on your wall, waiting for Chara to wake.

Soon enough she did, she sat up to look at you.

"Y/N i'm-"

"I don't want to hear it." you said in your calm, almost whisper like tone.

"We were both in the wrong, I shouldn't have gotten angry, I'm sorry for shoving you yesterday."

You held your hand out to Chara.

"Let's put this fight behind us, I have something I wanna show you anyways."

Chara took your hand, you pulled her up as you started looking around your draws.

"What are you looking for?"

"Something that we will need"
You spotted the currency, grabbing it with your free hand.
"two thousand, this should be enough."

"For what? Why do you need 2k of any currency?"

"we're heading to a different country of a different universe. A different time too but that's not relavent."

You held your hand out to Chara, who now had her knife and jacket on.

"You ready?"

"Will this help bring back Jason?"

"If it's done right then it will definitely help."

Chara grabbed your hand, before quickly stating.

"Don't you need to check the tide or someth-"

"nope, one of the things I asked for from Ink was a safe route to this universe, I can go there without any drain so location and time is what drains my power."

You gripped Chara's hand tightly before pausing time and tearing the fabric of reality apart, pulling you and your lover through the portal.

You unfrozen time, you and Chara were in a sandy alleyway, you pulled her towards the main street nearby.

"Chara, welcome to Cairo, a place in Egypt in the year 1988."

<== To be continued... ==============

The note from last chapter applies here, I was just crunching numbers for the currency and crap, still big brining future potholes for future arcs so I'm still taking a day or twos break.

Also try to guess what universe you are in rn, I have given several hints throughout this story. Not just this book, my entire account had references. Also try to guess why you are here

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