Part 17

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You turned at the sound of the door opening, Chara walking in with a shirt and chocolate bar in her hands. She chucked the shirt at you as she continued to eat.

"Thanks for the shirt."

"No problem, I also found out that it's the 15 of January."

"alright, that means it's tommorow."

"By the way, I also got a pregnancy test. And I'm now waiting on the results."

The realization you could be a teenage father suddenly dawned on you, what would you tell your parents, would you have to get a abortion, how would you support the baby and Chara.

You pulled your legs up to your chest as you curled into a ball, constantly muttering:

"Oh fuck."

Chara was quick to notice your potential breakdown.

"H-hey it's okay, if you don't want the child we can always get a abortio-"

"I just don't know what to do..." you whispered, Chara hugged you, which you held onto, trying to forget about what you were doing here, where you promptly fell asleep in her warm embrace.

Upon waking up you noticed Chara was sitting on the edge of the bed while rubbing her eyes, you sat up as you too, rubbed your eyes.

Chara turned to look at you before pulling you in and kissing you, you kissed back lightly before pulling away and stretching.

"You know what time it is?"

"I'm guessing around 7, considering the sun just set."

"Wanna go find a place to eat?"

"Alright, you take a shower while I teleport around for a bit."

Chara proceeded to stand up, walk out into the corridor and vanish. You closed the door as you began stripping off in the bathroom.

The warm water of the shower flowed and ran down your back as you focused your mind like you had done for all these months.

Fight Dio, take his blood, go to another universe to get a seperate item and try to revive Jason. If it didn't work then he was gone for good, despite how much you refused to believe it.

The soap bubbles popped and dried up as you planned a attack on Dio.

He was going to try to impale kakyoin in stopped time like normal, if you could move in timestop you could reach him and distract him enough to be hit by the 20 m radius splash.

If it hit he would be damage enough for you to cut his head off within your own stopped time, from there you could send his head into your universe where he would die from the sun.

Plans don't always work though, you decided to follow through with the kakyoin part and then make it up as you go along.

You scrubbed as you now thought about what you would do when Jason was back, he would probably have to stay in a different universe due to the fact he was considered dead. Storyshift maybe.

You turned off the water as you wrapped a towel around yourself, drying off completely as you pulled your month old clothes back on.

You turned on your TV to watch the news. A man was wanted in India for killing a Doctor. You smirked, wondering why the news for India was on in Egypt. You continued to watch as you thought about what else you could do while here.

Sometime later Chara appeared in front of you, she turned and told you that she had found a place and for you to take her hand, you did so as you were teleported to what seemed like a pizza place. You sighed as you and Chara walked in, enjoying the rest of the night.

UniTale: Universal Adventures [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now