Part 5

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You woke up but didn't feel like opening your eyes, you laid there and slept in for who knows how long, when you did eventually decide to get up you saw Chara laying besides you, you carefully got off the bed, careful not to wake her as you went and took a shower.

You examined you clothes after you got out, tears all over them... You sighed and put on the rags that were now your only pair of clothes.

You made your way back to Chara's room as you sat against a wall, still trying to entirely wake up.

After a while Chara slowly woke up as you greeted each other with a hug, Chara began to talk.

"Hey Y/N, i'm gonna have to examine your soul, that healing trick you pulled could be really dangerous."

You allowed her to examine your soul as you laid on her bed as per instruction, after being taught how to extract your soul you handed it over where it floated while Chara examined it.

"Alright, it seems to have dried up  a bit, but that's all i can tell pretty much, unless.. No nevermind."

"Chara, whatever it is just do it, you have my permission."

Chara pursed her lips, she slowly reached out for your soul as she held it in her hand, slowly stroking it as she did so, you let out a heavy breath, it felt amazing.


Chara continued to examine and stroke your soul, she looked down to see you blushing with one eye partially closed, she also blushed upon seeing this, muttering out a:


You pulled on her arm as you whispered back to her.

"Don't stop."

Chara blushed even harder as she continued to caress the incarnation of your being, you started panting as you quickly pulled Chara on top of you.

"Y-Y/N" Was all she could stutter before you smashed your lips onto hers. You flipped her over as you continued to kiss her, you trailed down her neck as you found her sweet spot, which was when she started moaning.

You trailed your hands up her stomach as you began to take off her shirt and jacket. Which you promptly threw across the room.

Chara didn't face you as you continued to touch her, you brought your hands down as you felt where her slit was, you looked back at her, almost her entire face was a burning red, you stroked the hole as Chara started moaning even louder, you took off the rest of her and your own clothes as you made love to Chara, her doing the same.

🍋Lemon Over🍋

you pulled your clothes back on as you laid next to Chara.

"That was revenge..." You whispered as you tried to catch your breath.

You fell asleep as you stared into Chara's eyes, not thinking of anything.

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