Part 27

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You opened your eyes, (I WAS DOING SO WELL WITH NOT DOING THIS AAHHHHHHH) looking around you found yourself on a bed, Chara sitting at the bottom of it.


"H-huh? Oh, you're awake."

"What happened? Where's Joseph, I wanna beat the shit out of him."

"I knocked you out so you didn't kill him, he's currently getting patched up by LisaLisa."

You got out of the bed, stretching as you did so.

"Another thing Y/N, LisaLisa wants to talk to you, Caesar is outside to escort you."

You walked towards the door of the room, opening it. As Chara said, Caesar was indeed standing outside, waiting for you it seems.

"Ah, Signore. I apologise for my friend's actions earlier, however I assume that Signora told you about why I'm here?"

"Yeah, let's go I guess..."

Caesar started walking off, you following behind, there were several twists and turns but eventually you did end up finding the room that LisaLisa and Joseph were in.

You ignored Joseph as you sat down in the seat that LisaLisa had pulled out for you.

"Now Y/N, I already know what happened, but I want to ask you about something else."

"Fire away."

"You said, when we first met, that Caesar would die, even if the pillar men were ultimately defeated. Care to elaborate?"

"In a time line where I don't interfere, Joseph and Caesar get into a fight about how to take on wammuu, Caesar goes off to confront him alone, he dies in that fight."

"Where does he die?"

"Somewhere in Switzerland?? I wasn't focusing on that part too much."

"What happens after the pillar men are defeated?"

"Peace for 50 years, after that Dio is brought out of the ocean and he sends assasins after Joseph and the group he's in."

"After that?"

"Peace for another 20 years, Joseph's grandson goes out to Japan to help figure out who should get how much of Joseph's inheritance when he dies."

"after that?"

"Nothing directly affiliated with the family for 13 years I think, afterwards Dio's last major supporter carries out his 'heaven ascension plan' and resets the universe."


"you don't have to worry about that though, after the dio situation Joseph is too old to fight anymore and relax's for the rest of his life."

"How do the pillar men get defeated?"

"Esidisi is killed by Joseph in the final test thing after he sneaks in. Wammu is also killed by Joseph but only after Caesar dies. Kars never died but his mind dissipated in the emptiness of space."

LisaLisa stared for a moment, processing what you just told her.

"Me and Chara are gonna go back to our universe, we'll be around when it really matters."

"Alright, I expect to see you again..."

"Fate works in mysterious ways, you can never truly expect something."

You stood up and walked back to the room, Chara was lying on the bed, doing nothing in particular.

"Chara, we're gonna head back to my universe for a bit, we'll come back 3 or 4 times but this was just to meet them and solidify our trust."

Chara immediately sat up and grabbed your hand. You smirked as you made a portal back home.

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