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Hiii! I will never stop thanking you all for your constant support on this book! I'm falling out of love with it myself but I'll try my best for you!

The final day in Toronto begins peacefully. The weather is glorious, despite the cold tint, as the sun glimmers against the lake as per usual. It's barely 7am.

One teenagers has already arisen from the warmth of his sleeping bag, and is sat beside the water, his eyes glued to the small brown notebook held firmly on his lap.

Now is the perfect time for birdwatching, just as the morning arrives and the wildlife awakens. Stanley knows every trick in the book in order to catch a glimpse of the rare, winged creatures that are found hiding in the nature. If anything, birdwatching is his sense of purpose. If he had no one else to turn to, he always had the birds stored in his notebook and the ones that flew free around him.

"Y-You're up early."

Stanley only hums gently at the voice that appears beside him, knowing full-well from the soft stutter that it could be no other than Bill. He notices the sleepy boy sit down close beside him and yawn to himself.

"W-What you d-doing?" Bill's voice is soft between the frosty air, and this time Stanley actually glances up from his book to look at the boy. Their eyes meet and warmth fills both of their bodies.

"Perfect time to catch some rare sights," Stanley says softly whilst twisting the pen in his hand, "but now you're here I can't imagine I'll get much done."

Bill snorts a little, shaking his head and looking out towards the lake. "S-Sorry for i-interrupting."

"I'm only joking." The Jewish boy slowly closes the notebook in his lap and holds it closely to his chest. He admires the way Bill's soft features blend in with the gorgeous scenery around them, his cheeks appearing soft and delicate with a small tint of pinkness to them. But it doesn't last long before Stanley is looking away again to hide his own blush.

"Y-You wanna k-know something?" Bill's voice speaks in a soft mumble, enough for Stanley to acknowledge. He turns his head back towards the boy, their eyes meet in the middle. Both of their stomachs fill with a deep glowing sensation, unknowingly to each another.

Stanley whispers, "what's that?"

The brunette boy smiles softly towards him, the flash of dark red at the front of his hair glowing from the sunrise. For the moment it feels like they're the only two people in the whole world, and the thought of that makes Stanley's chest tingle and bubble.

"I-I think you m-made a great d-decision by suggesting th-this place." Bill speaks with a content voice and truthful hazel eyes. "It really is b-beautiful here."

The Jewish boy peels his eyes away from the boy and looks down at his lap instead, for he can't take looking into Bill's eyes for much longer with such intent. He's too perfect, Stanley's blush is only getting worse because of it. Instead, he smiles down at his hands and lets out a small chuckle.

"I'm glad you all like it."

"I love i-it." Bill adds.

Stanley quickly snaps his head up and smiles with his teeth this time. "Ok, now you're giving me too much credit."

The older lets out a laugh.

"I-I am not! I'm t-telling the truth!" Bill exclaims before receiving a light shove from the boy beside him, making them both begin to chuckle together into the cold atmosphere.

It feels so natural for Bill to be himself around Stanley, never feeling judged or misunderstood. Although he'd probably never admit it to him directly, a part of him believes that Stanley is his person.

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