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Wow this book is growing quicker than I thought. Thank you so much!🤠


Why is the room spinning?


Eddie slowly opens his eyes, revealing the empty hospital room he lays in, by himself.

Thankfully he can't hear the heart-rate monitor, because the sudden raise in pace would certainly scare him if he was to hear it. Eddie is too distracted by the discomfort in his side to realise that Richie is sat in the chair beside him, tired and daydreaming.

"H-Hello?" Eddie calls out weakly, unable to know how loud he's calling for help. It's barely a murmur, but his face is suddenly grabbed by a pair of large hands and he stifles out a loud scream of terror. "No please!" He thrashes his body around on the bed.

Richie on the other hand, removes his hands from the boy's face and takes Eddie's hands instead, giving him a moment to calm down. "It's just me, Spaghetti-head." He says once Eddie finally lays eyes on the taller teen.

Eddie gasps a breath of relief and plants his head back on the pillow with a deep sigh, his hands raising and twisting into sign-language.

"Uhh..." Richie tries to remember any sign language at all, the only one being 'fuck off' springing to his mind. Instead he sits down beside Eddie's body and looks at him sympathetically.

"I'm sorry." Eddie whispers. Richie almost chokes at this, looking at the boy in disbelief.

"Are you serious? You have nothing to apologise for, dude." He shakes his head.

Eddie frowns at him in confusion. "Dude?" He repeats softly. Richie nods, slightly confused as to why the other boy is so confused as well.

"Yeah... dude." Richie stifles a laugh. "Or is Eddie-Spaghetti alright for now?"

There it is again. He keeps saying spaghetti and now Eddie finally understands. Eddie-Spaghetti.

He hates it.

"Don't call me that." His small face drops in distaste, and raises his finger to point at himself with a pouty frown. "My name is Eddie."

Richie finds this too cute, trying so hard not to aww at the boy in front of him. "So you can call me Chee, but I can't call you Spaghetti-man?" Richie raises an eyebrow. Eddie nods proudly making Richie shake his head with a laugh. "Alright then."

Eddie smiles widely, signing the same thing as before with his small hands. Richie watches, slightly lost before the smaller explains. "It means sorry." He smiles and shows him again.

"What a surprise." Richie rolls his eyes. "You say that wayyy to often."

Eddie giggles slightly and watches the other teen trying to move his fingers around to copy his previous example. It's not quite correct but it distracts Eddie from the dull pain in his side.

Richie heaves out a sigh and looks back over at the beautiful, weak boy. "How are you feeling?" He asks, pushing his glasses up a little. Eddie quickly shows a thumbs down. "Would a milkshake make you feel better?" Richie asks hopefully.

"Chocolate and banana swirl." Eddie gasps quickly, his eyes now glistening with excitement. The taller let's out a loud laugh, pushing himself up from the bed again.

"Coming right up, ma'am." He bows dramatically and shoot the small boy a wink, all before exiting the room.

Eddie grins to himself and feels a heat creeping up his neck. His head rests contently back onto the pillow, he a dreamy sigh leaving his mouth.

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