583 21 22

Wow so much has happened
Hello ;)

Eddie hums away to himself whilst carefully tying the satin bow on his shirt around his neck.

He's never worn this top before, but he explicitly remembers Beverly telling him to try it on and her dramatic visual gasp afterwards - "damn Eds, you look hot!" - that definitely motivated him to wear it tonight.

He checks the time on his watch before taking a final glance at himself in the mirror. The red satin top tucked into the jeans definitely accentuates his figure - yet another trick he was taught by Beverly. He even added a belt to make it stand out even more. It's safe to say he can barely look at himself in the mirror before laughing a little, as it almost doesn't even look like himself.

After a few more checks of hair and outfit, Eddie jogs downstairs, before wearily wandering into the lounge where his mother is watching a movie.

She doesn't notice him at first, as she's too engrossed in the film she's watching, but once he's standing at the edge of the sofa she quickly notices his presence and turns her head in his direction. Eddie bites his lip at the unreadable expression which spreads across her face when her eyes finally set on him.

"Hi..." His voice is small to begin with, his fingers fumbling together nervously. "I'm leaving in a minute..."

The woman actively pauses the TV and fully turns her entire body now, getting a better look at her son stood in front of her. Eddie feels his cheeks burn with embarrassment and unease, yet thankfully the lack of light in the room conceals this.

"Are you getting a ride?" She finally asks after a few long moments, using sign language whilst she speaks. She's really the only person who does this when communicating with Eddie, so it catches him off guard to begin with.

"Y-Yeah, um... Richie is picking me up." The boy replies in the same manner, fingers shaking as he signs along.

Sonia hesitates a little before nodding. "Okay, be safe and remember what I said last time–"

"Cover your drink with your hand at all times." Eddie finishes the sentence before she can even finish saying it. "I will, don't worry." He smiles reassuringly at her.

His mother then stands to capture him in a final hug. It catches the brunette by surprise at first, his eyes growing wide, but he quickly relaxes into the embrace and wraps his arms around her in return. After a few moments, Sonia loosens her grip and lets him go to have fun for the night. But, as always, they both know the woman won't be able to relax the entire time he is out.

As if on cue, the doorbell rings at that very moment. Sonia sighs and holds onto Eddie's shoulders, looking into his eyes.

"You're ride is here... Please be safe." She says, hiding the defeat in her voice.

Eddie nods and smiles innocently. He quickly pecks her cheek before leaving her hold completely and heading out the room towards the front door. He grabs his denim jacket from the bannister and opens the front door with a wide grin.

He's met with the sight of Richie leaning up against the door frame, that signature smirk on his face. He's dressed in black ripped jeans and a white tee, a leather jacket over the top and his curls tamed out of his eyes. That view alone makes Eddie's cheeks redden.

"Hey, baby." Richie glances the smaller up and down before standing up straight with literal heart-eyes at the view. "Holy fuck you look good–"

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