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Finally! We've all been waiting for this moment... it's here 😏

The next morning brings a misty sunrise and a light orange hue to cascade against the several tents set up along the lakeside. The mountains in the distance are silhouettes against a crimson sky and the air smells of rain droplets and salty water. In the forest there are no sounds of cars, or the hiss as they move over the rain coated street; there is only the chattering of wild birds from the treetops and the sound of twigs crackling between.

The bright sunrise cascading through the walls of the tent causes the high-schoolers to stir from their hungover sleep.

As the small, deaf teenager wakes from his drunken slumber, he quickly lifts a hand to rest upon his forehead and winces from the dull aching in his brain. Last night is just a blur now. He's certainly not used to this whole 'hangover' sensation either; the churning stomach and heavy limbs. Although, despite his lack of experience, he doesn't remember a painful eye being one of the common symptoms of heavy drinking.

He struggles to pull his body into an upright position, whining from the sharp pulsation in his head once more before taking in his surroundings. His legs are barely inside the sleeping bag, blankets messily pooling around his waist and the tent entrance zipped shut. He slowly turns to check the space beside him and blinks groggily to focus his eyes. Richie is still passed out, limbs sprawled out all over the place and a mess of dark curls covering most of his face. His jawline looks even sharper than usual, collar bones visible against his broad figure and his arms are bare to reveal prominent veins and tendons.

Eddie's lustful stare is soon interrupted by another dagger-like pain to his head. He moans again and rests his palm against the area which aches so badly. It's safe to say he'll never be drinking alcohol again. This is agony.

To distract his mind from the uncomfortable hangover, the brunette carefully unzips the tent and crawls out from the comfort of blankets and warmth inside. The cold autumn air instantly leaves the whispers of moisture on his face, a chill running down his spine from the sudden exposure. His cheeks and nose begin to form a pink hue in a matter of seconds once he steps outside fully and begins to approach the burnt-out fire pit.

"Hey," Will instantly smiles up at the boy. He's already up and ready for the day, the only person in sight. "How you feeling?"

Eddie shrugs in response and slumps down onto the remaining space on the log beside Will. He's not really in the mood for talking right now. His head is in far too much pain and that aching in his eye isn't dulling either.

"Did you sleep alright?" Will turns to face him once again, however this time his face instantly drops. "Oh my– Eddie, your eye!" He gasps.

The hungover boy frowns a little at the sudden look of shock presented on Will's face. At first he's not quite sure what his friend is going on about, but it's quite clear that something isn't good. Even seeing Will so suddenly worried makes Eddie's stomach instantly churn with fright.

"Huh?" Eddie begins to panic.

Will then raises a hand and points towards the specific region of Eddie's face. "Your eye, Eds. It's all bruised!" He says.

Eddie lifts his own hand and begins to carefully touch at the sensitive area, a hiss leaving his pink lips at the uncomfortable pain. That's when his mind is suddenly jogged back into reality and a small memory of last night flashes through his brain.

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