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Hope you are all safe and well!
Sending my love always💗💖💓

On Monday morning Eddie wakes up bright and early with an unusual spring in his step. He prepares himself for another day at school, yet this time with a positive bubble of excitement rising within his chest, and a knowing smile at his own reflection through the mirror in his mother's bathroom.

Today feels different. Eddie bounces down the stairs with bright energy, swinging his school bag over one shoulder and calling out a quick loving goodbye to his mom. Next thing, the front door is swung open and the boy disappears on his way to school; all alone.
In some ways he's completely oblivious to the fact that Richie is nowhere to be seen, not like the teen usually is every morning to give him a lift to school.

Of course Eddie is aware of the situation; what happened at the fair. Richie hasn't even come over to see him since, to see if he's ok. But that was a few days ago now, and instead of getting upset Eddie decides to brush it off and prepare for the day ahead.

It's a cool morning, but the buzz of excitement Eddie holds onto keeps him distracted from the slight nip of the breeze. It's not often that he's optimistic to go to school, however the thought of introducing a new face to the school makes him feel somewhat important. Usually he's hiding away from people at school and always avoiding duties - but not today.

Will is sat down on the low brick wall just outside of the school when Eddie arrives, his legs swinging nervously and books clutched to his chest. Eddie pauses before approaching the boy so he can look at him clearly. His chocolate brown hair moving around in the breeze and wide eyes looking around in slight terror of the new surroundings. Eddie smiles, because he knows exactly how he feels. In some ways he sees himself in Will, quiet and nervous in new situations. And he's hoping to change that.

"Hey," Eddie taps Will's shoulder finally, and the boy looks up instantly. "Ready to go?"

"Sure." Will jumps up quickly, his voice noticeably shaky from the amount of pent up nerves. Procrastinating on the wall probably didn't help. "Thank you for meeting me here, I was worried you might not arrive." He chuckles weakly.

"I'd never do such a thing." Eddie just smiles back, secretly proud of himself for finally gaining some confidence. They begin to walk inside of the busy entrance to Derry High when the noisy sounds of teenagers and slamming lockers gets much louder. "Pretty big right?"

"It's huge." Will agrees, barely hearing Eddies voice over the amount of noise. He gazes around the place in awe, taking in the high white ceilings and rows of lockers stacked like soldiers. "Gonna take some getting used to." He chuckles nervously again.

"You'll get used to it in no time." Eddie presents him a warm smile before they stop off at the lockers. Eddie takes his time to swap some books over whilst Will stands beside him, restlessly rocking back and fourth on his heels and watching intently. He gets shoved a little due to the thick crowds of people passing, but soon finds his feet using the door of Eddie's locker as some form of protection.

Across the corridor, a much taller teenager watches the scene with a blank expression, lips pressed in a tight line and jaw clenching. His foot rests up against the wall whilst he glares, arms folded and head tilted ever so slightly. Richie's been told that staring is 'rude' so many times before, even by Eddie himself, but right now he couldn't care less. Instead he stays put, watching his so called boyfriend play pals with the new kid. He doesn't intend to step in at first, but once he accidentally makes eye-contact with the new kid, he changes his mind.

"U-Um, Eddie..." Will quickly taps on his deaf friend's shoulder, panicked, his eyes glued to the tall boy who's stare burns straight into his soul.

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