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I will finish this book. I WILL.
Stay cute you beautiful people💘

Time begins to move quickly in Derry, each day getting colder as the peak of winter approaches. Still, the glaring sun finds its way between the thick clouded skies to shine scarlet crimson across the town. Puddles remain stubbornly free of ice, but the air is still crisp and the trees appear just a cluster of twigs, twisted and intertwined. The pathways sparkle and crunch like sugar underfoot, the brisk air somewhat an inviting way to clear the mind.

The week seems to have flown by. Now only exciting times seem to be emerging at this icy time of year. From birthdays to secret trips away and countless movie nights. It's a time to stop saying no to everything, and start saying yes.

On Friday night the sleepover had gone ahead. Bill's basement was quickly filled with the bodies of countless teenagers snuggled up under an array of blankets and laying upon the crowded couch. The plush cushions had been thrown to the floor to make more room for the hot bodies to gather, as usual, and the mini fridge had been a blessing that night too. Bill's parents are never aware of the underage drinking that occurs in their basement, more because they've never bothered to bring it up as a concern. Bill's parents have known the Losers since they were all young kids, except from Eddie and Will that is, long enough to build up a sense of trust between parents and teens. Not only that, but they can see how close the kids are. That their friendships will last, likely, forever. Therefore there's no cause for concern in their eyes.

Beverly throws the box-shaped television remote towards Hanlon across the room, who catches the devise with a grunt. With his other hand stuffed within a bag of popcorn, he frowns back at the auburn haired girl.

"What was that for?" He asks, more of a genuine question than a threat. The girl shrugs in response and slumps down onto her place beside Ben on the floor.

"You're the only one that knows how to work the fucking thing." She winks back. Hanlon smiles proudly in response.

"Too true."

Meanwhile the other teenagers engage into their own conversations around the room, their voices merging into one another. Stanley rips into a fresh packet of kettle chips whilst turning away a beer that Bill waves around in his face as an offering. Beside them, Richie is captivated with laughter whilst Eddie sits on his lap, both seemingly amused by something that the others are oblivious of. Along with that, a game of twenty-ones is set up on the floor opposite Ben and Bev, whilst Mike and Will engage in their own conversation about their crazy experiences of homeschooling.
Overall the atmosphere is immaculate; buzzing with positivity and laughter.

The real reason they had gathered here was to discuss the potential trip to Toronto that has been up in the air all week. To the more adventurous members of the group, such as Beverly and Richie, it sounds like a great way to escape Derry and have a crazy time. But that's up for debate, as the not-so-adventurous teenagers in the group are still unconvinced that it's such a good idea.

They decide collectively that they should each say their opinion on the trip, then take a vote. All of the teens gather in a circle, some on cushions and some closer to each other than others. Whilst Ben and Will leave a respectful gap between their crossed legs so that no skin collides, Stanley and Bill's legs are obviously sharing contact and stay like that the whole time.
Mostly everyone is up for the holiday, but by the time it finally comes round to Eddie, the mood changes dramatically. Everyone is mostly prepared to hear a definite no. It's clear how much influence Eddie's mum has on his decisions in life, so the idea of her allowing him on a road-trip with his friends is pretty much impossible to imagine or even comprehend.

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