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Hope you are happy and well! We're getting closer to the end...

Eddie happily sits down at the lunch table with a buzz of excitement radiating through his body. He sets a medium sized box into the middle of the table, along with the other collection of gift-bags and presents already set up.

"I can't believe that twat is eighteen today, and I had to spend my weeks savings on a gift for him." Stanley says jokingly whilst rubbing his temples. The others begin to laugh at his usual sarcasm.

"I'm sure he'll appreciate it. Plus, you didn't complain about getting Bill a present on his birthday!" Ben smiles cheerily at the curly haired boy sat opposite him. Stanley's cheeks instantly begin to glow red, a few sniggers rising quietly from amongst the group at his expense.

"I was only being nice. Also, let's not forget that Bill isn't a total fuck-brain like Richie. I think that's one thing we can all happily agree on." Stanley rolls his eyes a little.

"Hmm, I beg to differ." Beverly leans back into her seat and causally rests an arm around Eddie, the small boy automatically resting his head on the girl's shoulder. She chuckles, "I think the present you got Bill was a little more that just being nice, Stannie."

Stanley's eyes instantly narrow towards the girl.

"G-Guys, come on." Bill shakes his head at the two bickering. But it doesn't stop there.

"Wait, she's right. Didn't you get him like a trip to France or something?" Ben announces suddenly, making Stanley's eyes widen as he snaps his head towards the boy talking.

"Ben! You little–"

"Trip to France?!" Bev shoots forwards all of a sudden, cutting the embarrassed teenager off. She quickly turns to Bill. "What the fuck? He really got you that?!"

Bill shrugs casually. "I-It's a day-trip, yeah. It's b-booked for Christmas t-time."

The others all exchange shocked expressions for a few moments whilst Stanley covers his face and groans from embarrassment. Meanwhile, Eddie just lifts his head from Beverly's shoulder and smiles across at Bill.

"That sounds amazing, I hope you guys have a great trip. France is amazing at Christmas time." He smiles innocently.

Bill then cocks his head to the side like an intrigued puppy all of a sudden. "You've been?"

"Yeah, one time when I was fifteen. It was so pretty." Eddie smiles.

They all begin to fall into causal conversation about Eddie's trip and other holidays they've all been on in the past. Stanley is thankful that they've moved on from the subject of his gift to Bill, and finally eases into the conversation himself.  Their chatter carries through the beginning of lunch until a sudden presence arrives at the table.

They all look up at the person to see none other than the birthday boy himself, who is staring at the table with a blank face.

His friends all suddenly jump up from their seats at his arrival, clapping their hands and beginning to sing 'happy birthday' in unison. It's safe to say the entire cafeteria draws their attention towards the table singing and Richie lets out a loud groan, slumping down beside Bill.

"Alright alright, you can stop singing now." He sighs heavily and rubs his forehead in disapproval. Thankfully, they take his advice and sit down again, all smiling brightly.

"How does it feel?" Beverly shoots a serious look across at her best friend. The boy stares back at her in confusion.

"How does what feel?" He frowns.

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