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The moment you've all been waiting for... Thank me later🤠

For the next few weeks, Richie Tozier has never felt so alive.

Everyday, at the same time, he pulls up onto Eddie's driveway, shoving his head of curls out of the driver-side window to shine the red laser pen through the kitchen window of Eddie's house. Then, usually with a cigarette to hand and his head still poking out of the driver side window, Richie watches Eddie jump up from his seat in the kitchen, then hop down the steps of his porch happily adjusting the straps of his backpack with a bright smile.

The smaller boy usually approaches the side that Richie's head pokes out of first, grinning at the taller boy like always.

"Morning, Spaghetti-head." Richie grins goofily, taking another drag of his cigarette and eyeing Eddie up and down. "Lookin' cute today."

"You too." Eddie blushes, but attempts to hide it by changing the subject. "You excited for school?" He tilts his head with a small smile.

"Sure am." The more rugged if the two nods, reaching out his free hand to tamper with one of Eddie's curls. "I heard Ben finally grew that balls to ask Beverly on a fucking date last night. Fucking sick!" He says dramatically and Eddie gasps.

"Don't be mean!" Eddie slaps Richie lightly who starts to laugh. "It's cute..."

"I was only joking," Richie reassures the small boy, eyes flicking over to see the time displayed on his rather expensive stereo. "Oh! Pip pip, Spaghetti-man! We best get going my lord!" He gasps suddenly.

Eddie quickly nods and runs around to the passenger side, hopping into the truck before his mother can run out after him. The engine roars loudly, which Eddie would definitely not like if he could hear it, an soon they're on their way to school.

It's another bright day, the trees blowing slightly in the rather pleasant breeze that morning. Eddie rests his chin on his hand, gazing out of the truck window as if it pictures a whole different world, his eyes wide and wholesome as they take in the subtle summer view. He can feel the vibrations of Richie revving the truck, forcing them to move faster along the busy roads of Derry. His eyebrows fall to a disappointed frown as the pretty view from the window starts to blur from the speed.

Little does he know, the boy driving beside him mumbles a number of secrets out loud, despite knowing full well that it is wrong to take advantage of Eddie's disability. Yet as Eddie gazes at the view, he can't help but mutter to himself.

"I'm taking you with me, Eds. I'm fucking leaving this shithole and I'm taking you with me." The words leave Richie's mouth as they turn another corner. His eyes glue to the road, but he knows whatever he says - he can get away with. "Fuck Sonia... I'm taking you with me."

Once at school, the two boys walk side by side to their first lesson of the day. Then the next. They barely part until Eddie has Anatomy class last period, and even then the taller teen walks him to the lesson.

Richie knows that Eddie barely talks at school, he simply keeps to himself like he has done since day one in Derry High School. Now he knows so much more about the beautiful boy, Richie finds it hard to watch Eddie become so introverted during school hours. He's beginning to find the real Eddie, the one who's funny and excitable, but at school that all seems to disappear. And it's hard to watch.

After waving Eddie off at his front porch at the end of the day, Richie returns home rather exhausted from yet another long day.

"Hey," He smiles tender at his mother after throwing his backpack into the hallway. She sits in the living room with a beer to hand, pulling her eyes away from the book she's engaged in.

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