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11k!! I'm so grateful of you all! Sorry for the lack of updates, I've had prom so I had to spend some time recovering from that🤭 I hope you're all happy and well because you deserve the world. Enjoy babies <3

The following morning soft patters of rain fall against the wide glass window within the bedroom, a gloomy daylight peeking between the closed curtains. Richie awakes rather suddenly from a dream, remember not a second of its events, and breathes in the soft scent of strawberries and sanitiser. The warm body beside him cuddles close to his chest, and Richie wraps his arms tighter around the small frame and rests his chin on top of his messy brown curls.

He lets out a content sigh and stares out towards the shielded window, listening to the constant patter of raindrops against its solid structure. It's not unusual to find Richie listening to nature, quite and relaxed. He used to make fun of Stanley's obsession with birds and trees and all of that stuff, but now he's grown to love it too. It's like a secret escape, a place where nothing can hurt you. Listening to the sound of raindrops against the glass is like a portal onto another world, one that only consists of that moment, forever. Right now he wants to stay here for eternity: in bed with his boyfriend snuggled up beside him sleeping like a baby. But he knows that he can't.

He checks the clock seated on his bedside table which reads '8:30am'. Sometimes he wonders why he wakes up so early in the mornings, even after a night of drinking. Maybe it's because his father used to get up at this time, so Richie would always wake himself up just incase the man decided to throw himself at Maggie in such early hours of the morning. Or maybe it's because his body has become used to waking up at this time for school everyday, still making him late without fail. He'll never truly understand it.

"Mhm." Eddie makes a sound beside him, to which he turns his head back towards the small boy. He tosses around a little before his eyes flicker open, and once adjusting to the light, smiles sleepily at the boy beside him. "Chee."

"Hi, Spaghetti-man." Richie leans forward to press a soft kiss to his forehead. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Huh?" Eddie rubs his eyes like a baby, making Richie laugh softly with adoration. He waits until Eddie has full attention on him before talking again.

"How did you sleep?" He tries again, slower.

"Fine, you're nice a warm." Eddie smiles brightly and lets out a playful giggle as Richie wraps his arms around his waist again, pulling him close.

"Yeah?" He smirks. Eddie just nods and feels his cheeks begin to glow scarlet red, which Richie takes as an invitation to kiss the heated skin. "You're so cute." He pulls away with a chuckle. Eddie lightly hits his chest for calling him 'cute'... even though he secretly loves it.

"I have hospital at ten." The smaller sits up onto his elbows to check the time for himself, slipping out of Richie's embrace. He doesn't usually tell Richie about his appointments and what not, to him it sounds boring and not exactly exciting news since it's such a normal part of his everyday life.

Richie just nods understandably and the two resume cuddling for a while before actually leaving the comfort of the bed. Eddie gathers his things and makes sure to not forget anything, double checking that he has everything he came with the night before. Richie insists on driving Eddie back home in time, so that Sonia won't get worried, and pulls up onto the Kaspbrak front drive with enough time to spare before his appointment.

"Don't have too much fun at the hospital." Richie turns towards Eddie, who unclips his seatbelt and wraps his small fingers around the door handle.

"I won't." He looks up though dark lashes displays a sweet smile. Richie admires his perfect features for the few seconds left between them, before Eddie breaks the silence and leans across the seats towards him. Their lips catch quickly in the middle, not long enough for Richie's liking, and Eddie pushes open the door.

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