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"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

The screaming and shouting of drunken teenagers fills the garage whilst Eddie downs yet another cup of alcohol.

The brown liquid runs down either side of his mouth and his - once clean and pretty - top is now splattered with stains of beer and other beverages.

It's safe to say that the small boy is completely wasted at this point. Which is surprising, as his fifteen-year-old self would've hated the idea of these kinds of activities. Just goes to show how much can change in such little time.

"Nice one!" Mike congratulates the smaller, who simply leans into the embrace without much thought. He doesn't notice the hand that slid around his waist and has stayed for most of the game now.

The opposing team loses the next round as Lucas, beside being completely smashed, makes a perfect score in one of their cups. A ginger female accepts the defeat and holds up her middle finger whilst chugging the contents of the red cup.

They soon run out of beer and resort to filling the cups with a generous amount of vodka at the bottom of each one. Most of the participants are way to drunk to even recognise the burn it produces as they down each cup when they lose. It's only when one of the girls on the other team grabs a bucket and begins to hurl inside of it, that they finally realise how drunk they've gotten.
But the game still continues.

"Why don' we add a twist now?" The ginger girl slurs whist leaning onto the table towards the opposing team.

"Like what?"

"Tru' or dare."

They're too drunk to oppose.

The game continues but many of the players begin to hit their peak, and soon their downfall; Eddie being one of them.

The awful after-taste of toffee vodka mixed with beer leaves him feeling rather queazy after a while. He stumbles away from the table, without anyone noticing, soon realising that his vision is completely blurred and everything is spinning. He quickly grabs onto the side of the sofa with both hands to steady himself, more saliva building up in his mouth.

The room suddenly feels so much brighter than before, piecing the drunken boy's head with an unbearable pain. Although, he finally manages to lift his head, catching sight of the doorway that leads back into the main house. Suddenly it looks like the gateway to heaven.

Eddie makes a messy dash towards the door and into the crowd.

Inside the house, there are people everywhere, falling over themselves with open mouths and smoke in the air. There's flashes of red everywhere, red cups, everyone is holding one. Sometimes even two. It feels like slow-motion. Eddie's eyes are spinning and he can barely breathe. He must've bumped into about fifty people already. Then he spots another open space. The front door. He heads towards it and makes it one foot out before–


Then it's not so bright anymore.


"Are you sure you're alright?" Richie asks for the hundredth time, catching a glimpse of the boy sat beside him before turning his eyes back to the road again.

"I'm fine, I swear." The smaller mumbles in response, hugging his legs to his chest whilst he sits in the passenger seat.

He glances at the stereo which reads '9:15AM', sighing at the sight and undoing his window a little. The air-con is making him feel nauseous now.

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