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Should I put a warning for mature scenes?🤭 hahaha love you all <333

Richie drives like the wind away from the desolate quarry and his best friend. He never thought that Beverly would make such a move on him, especially after the heartfelt words she spoke about his relationship with Eddie. It doesn't make sense, nothing adds up. Richie feels like his brain could explode, mostly from anger, but also guilt and confusion.

"Oh, don't worry, Rich. I won't force you to fall in love with me or anything." Richie mocks the girl's voice as he drives along, turning his nose up with every word. "Let me just try and kiss you even though you have a fucking boyfriend!" His tone is laced with anger as he swerves his truck a little across the opposite side of the road, too angry to focus on driving properly. "You know what? Screw you, Bev! You're a fucking–!"

The sound of his truck horn echoes loudly as he slams his fist against the steering wheel, cutting off the obscene language he uses to describe his so called 'best-friend'. If Hanlon was here he would probably faint at the profanity that streams from Richie's mouth like hot lava. His words are overflowing with spite, sourness, and bitter taste. It feels good to let it all out though, he doesn't want to return home and take it out in the Wheelers.

His face is red with suppressed rage by the time he pulls up onto the rather exquisite driveway of his new home, clambering out of the black truck with clenched teeth and slamming the door shut. The front of his boots deliberately kick at the stoned driveway and cause an array of pebbles to fly momentarily, landing scattered messily someplace else. He inhales heavily before unlocking the front door and stepping inside, only to be met by Karen doing some washing up in the kitchen. She's minding her own business when the tall boy slams the door shut suddenly and startles her greatly.

"Oh Jesus, Rich! I thought you were home already?" She looks the boy up and down curiously, yet a friendly smile still plays on her lips.

"Nope." Richie's voice is low and laced with irritation. Karen watches him closely, settling down the cutlery that she was previously sorting down onto the counter. Only then does she notice the dark contrast in the material of Richie's jeans, the upper half looking awfully damp.

"Have you been sitting in a puddle of water?" Her eyes brows knit into a considerate, yet playful frown.

"I was at the quarry." Richie shrugs, trying to seem unbothered as he begins to pace towards the carpeted staircase. He just wants to be left alone now, more so he can take out his anger away from everyone else.

"Is everything okay?" Karen can tell that something isn't right by the way Richie stares back at her with a deep fire in his eyes. She may not be his mother, but she only wants him to be happy. The teenagers eyes cast away momentarily, a hand resting on the banister.

"I'm fine." He mutters numbly. Karen knows he's lying but decides not to question him further, instead changing the subject entirely.

"Ok, well, Mike and El are housesitting with you tonight whilst we're out." Her voice is friendly and comforting. "If that's okay with you?"

"Sure." Richie nods duly. The thought of being left alone in the house with his brother most likely making out with his girlfriend right in front of him doesn't sound particularly enjoyable. So, he has a better idea. "Can I have a guest?" He asks quietly, a sudden hopeful glint in his eyes.

"Sure." Karen nods, resuming her actions by sorting the cutlery into its appropriate place inside the drawer. Richie watches her, nodding and moving his foot up onto the first step of the staircase.

"Thanks." His voice is quiet. "See you."

Karen looks up to smile brightly at him before he ascends up the remainder of the stairs, locking himself inside his bedroom. He practically collapses face-down onto his double bed and stuffs his face into the pillows, moaning loud with frustration. His jeans are still soggy from the soaking boxers he didn't remove after descending from the quarry. The material is cold yet somewhat soothing against his skin, yet not enough to calm his angered emotions.

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