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tysm for 2k you qweens I literally love you sm!!! Your comments keep me going honestly, ily legends😩🤧

This was probably a bad idea.

No, this was a terrible idea.

Eddie stares at himself through the full length mirror in his mother's bedroom, chewing at his bottom lip whilst he decides whether this was a bad or absolutely horrendous thing to do.

Beverly had informed her juvenile teenage friends that she would be holding a rather 'crazy' party at her house on Friday night after school. Likewise, this meant that the party would be absolutely disgraceful. Underage drinking, hookups, and plenty of drugs. Of course Beverly would be the one to hold such an outrageous party, everyone knows how unbothered Beverly Marsh is. She's that girl that smokes during her frees at school and apparently murdered her father. But that's just a rumour of course.

Eddie thought he might dress how he wanted to for Beverly's supposedly 'crazy' party tonight. However, of course this ended in the seventeen year-old boy wearing an oversized pastel jumper, with the front tucked into a pair of black shorts. But these aren't just any black shorts. These were the shortest black shorts Eddie owned, practically ass out. It was a stupid idea, but there's simply no denying that he looked amazing.

One thing leads to the next, and then he's rummaging through his mother's makeup drawers, delving into the powders and applying each in small amounts onto his face. By the end he looks like a literal glowing goddess, not in a bad way, but the most fabulous way possible. He looks prettier than the majority of the girls in Derry, let alone at the party.

Eddie starts to pack away the many pieces of makeup he had opened when he becomes conscious that his mother could easily walk in and catch him red handed, the thought of being so dreadfully embarrassed is simply too overwhelming to comprehend, so packing it away seemed the best decision. He slowly closes the drawers, once putting the makeup back exactly where he had found it, before slipping out of her bedroom and towards the front door.

He stops just before leaving, stuffing a small pot of pills into his left pocket and clutching his inhaler tightly between his small fingers. Then he calls out, "Ma, I'm going!".

Sonia practically runs to the doorway, planting her hands onto Eddie's shoulders and forcing him to face her. Eddie didn't expect her to arrive so suddenly, letting out a small yelp and watching her eyes widen at the sight of his utterly gorgeous face. "Eddie..." Her voice trails off. She's almost speechless at how her son looks. "Why did you do this?"

"I-I like it." Eddie hangs his head with embarrassment. He curls his fingers tighter around his inhaler to hide his red painted nails. He's always liked dressing up. Never once had Eddie enjoyed dressing like an actual 'boy'. He likes the idea of wearing your boyfriend's shirts and wearing pastel colours, painting your nails and blushing up your cheeks. It makes him feel pretty. Just like Richie thought.

"Okay." Sonia squeezes her son's shoulders with a rather noticeable sigh. He looks up to see her nodding in approval before taking a step backwards. "Have fun, and be safe." She says. There's a noticeable terror in her eyes, Eddie had never been to a teenage party like this one, which made her worried because anything could happen. Anything could happen to her innocent, vulnerable baby.

"I will." Eddie leans in to kiss her cheek before opening the front door and taking a step onto the porch. He breathes in the fresh evening air and turns back to his mom with a smile. "Bye, Mommy. Love you." He hops down the wooden steps with a little spring, excitement coursing through his body.


Richie watches the tens of teenagers enter his best-friends house without a care in the world. He simply stays leant up against his truck with a blunt of some kind between his lips and a small packet of weed twisting between his fingers. Joining the party now would be lame, he'd rather roll up inside when most people are drunk or high already, because that's when the real fun starts. So he stays outside in the warm evening, watching the sky turn darker as time moves along, and more people enter Beverly's house. Thankfully for her, her auntie won't return home for a few days, which gives her plenty of time to clean the place up and remove any traces of drugs from the carpet.

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