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1k reads, I'm crying in the club🥳

"You what?!" Beverly almost spits her milk over the sofa.

The teenagers had only really just woken up from their sleepover at Bill's house. All of them besides Richie, Beverly and Stanley had ran off into the kitchen to make breakfast, leaving the three to gossip like old times. That happens to be when the subject had popped up...

Richie leans back in his chair, feeling like an actual king whilst he re-tells the story of him and Eddie's amazing kiss the previous night. "Yep! You heard me, Miss Marsh."

Stanley grunts, turning to the redhead who'd face is ridden with shock. "Oh come on. Didn't you see this coming, Bev?"

The girl snaps her head towards him, a look of pure anguish on her face. Stanley almost flinches at her fiery eyes and knotted eyebrows. She looks furious.

"Come on, Beaverly." Richie nervously rubs the back of his neck. "I-It's not a big deal..."

"Not a 'big deal'?!" She yells suddenly, making both boys jump. "What did I warn you about?!"

Richie feels a sudden anger rise in his throat at the remark. The memory of Beverly calling him a 'lanky fuck up' filling his mind in an instant.

"Warn me?" He holds a strong gaze with the redhead, who simply stares back with a piercing glare. He takes a few steps towards her sat on the sofa. "You change your mind too often." He spits.

"Guys–" Stanley tries, but quickly gets cut off by the fierce girl sat beside him.

"I meant what I said about taking things slower with Eddie." She snaps back.

"Oh yeah?" Richie almost laughs as he looks down at her. "What about 'going to fucking get em'?" He cocks his head to the side whilst he recites the words she had said at the quarry that one evening. "Or was that just a big fucking lie too?"

Beverly bites hard on her bottom lip, trying to contain her voice. She can taste blood within a few slow seconds, but that doesn't stop her from rising from her seat, face levelled with Richie's. He stares down at her, eyes hooded with anger.

"Just be careful, Richie." She swallows the taste of blood, her voice no barely above a murmur. "You barely know the boy."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He mutters back whilst Stanley watches the two teenagers with huge, slightly terrified eyes. "You're my best friend." Richie adds, being sure to make eye contact with the girl below him as he says it.

Beverly's face softens slightly, to which Stanley takes notice of and manages to relax a little from the sideline. He knows just how far fiery the two teenagers can be, let alone together. That's one of many reasons why the two have such good chemistry, and together they could most certainly kill a fucker with just their words.

"I was mad, Richie." Beverly finally says with a much softer tone. "It was wrong of me to say that about you, Rich. But just think about what you're doing." She eyes her best friend up and down.

Richie frowns at the girl, his eyes dangerously dark and covered slightly by his curly bangs. He's much different to the Richie he woke up as. Not the usual carefree Richie. This is the slightly scary one.

"I'm thinking." He shoots a shit-eating grin that would get anyone mad. The devious glint in his eyes makes Beverly's stomach churn, and that's when she realises she's finally lost this battle.

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