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I kinda want to do a face reveal but nobody probably cares lmao🤭

A week later and Eddie still feels as light as air. Every now and then, during classes and in the halls, the small boy finds himself silently smiling with happiness, cheeks blushing at the untold memory. However, all joy rapidly fades away when Eddie is reminded of Henry Bower's demonic existence.


Eddie reads the words scrawled across the piece of paper that had just been thrown at him from across the room, sighing quietly to himself. Why me? He thinks, before casting his eyes in the direction of Henry, who is laughing obnoxiously with his friends at him. If he could, Eddie would probably kill that human at the first chance he got, but for now he must put up with his deliberate bullying.

The lesson bell rings and Richie shows up late as usual, the scent of smoke wafting into the room with his arrival and every girl in the room turning to gazing at him dreamily. Eddie doesn't notice his presence until Richie slumps down beside him, whipping out his compass in preparation to vandalise the desk and discreetly gripping at the smaller's thigh.

"You okay?" Richie asks, twisting the compass between his fingers, slumped back casually and searching his boyfriend's timid face. "What's wrong?"

Eddie just shakes his head, no words even bothering to form in his throat. He's become increasingly confident in talking since he met Richie and the losers, however simple things such as Henry's abusive notes can stop him from speaking all together. He can't bring the words leave his mouth. It's like a trap of emotions.

Richie frowns deeply, squeezing tightly at Eddie thigh. He's not usually this dismissive. Sometimes he'll have the odd day when talking isn't in his best interest, but now seems different to Richie. "Hey, talk to me, Eds." He sits up more in his chair, leaning closer to Eddie with a quiet voice. Eddie only shakes his head again and turns his attention to the front of the class where the teacher lectures endlessly, making Richie sigh heavily and lean back in his seat. He won't push him to answer, because that only makes it worse.

After lesson Eddie stands quietly in the lunch queue, gaining his meal and silent walking through the crowded canteen before reluctantly meeting his friends at the table. They chatter and laugh amongst themselves, Bill being the first of the group to acknowledge the small boy talking his seat like a ghost in the corner.

"H-Hey, Eddie." Bill waves happily, a bottle of water to hand. "W-Where's Richie?" He asks.

Eddie shrugs shyly before looking down at the food on his tray. He doesn't know where Richie is, he left the class before his long legs could catch him. Deep down Eddie feels terrible for acting so difficult. But it can't be helped. Not right now.

Eddie can't help but think about what happened last time Richie didn't show up at lunch. Bathroom. Girl. Heartbroken. The small teen feels his throat tighten even more, a pit forming in his stomach at the thought. He glances back up, hoping to see Richie, but only Ben arrives next with a pile of books held in his arms, waving joyfully at the group. Eddie feels his heart start to race faster than before and puts his elbow on the table, using it to rest his head in his hand as he shields himself away from everyone.

Meanwhile, resting his back up against the school gates, Richie pulls a cigarette from his lips and laughs smoke into the clouded air. Beverly stands beside him, chuckling too after telling a rather good joke and stops to check the time on her watch.

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