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Hi babies, I'm so sorry I've been gone for ages because revision sucks, but I'm back😎 But ya'll make me happy, so here's a chapter that you might need to brace yourself for...🤭

"Chee, wake up... Hey... Bubba?"

Richie finds his eyes slowly blinking open, only to see his boyfriend's face right above him, flashing a bright smile. Eddie must've just woken up too because his curls are sticking out in random places, brown eyes still drowsy from a late night and face looking fresh and untouched.

"Hey, cutie." Richie smiles sleepily, lifting his arms up and stretching out his body, a loud noise escaping his throat as he does so. "Where is everyone else?" He asks, releasing a long breath once he's finished stretching. Eddie starts to reply but only then does Richie realise that Eddie is sat on top of him, a leg either side of his hips to straddle his body. Richie doesn't quite realise, but his eyes grow dramatically in size and suddenly he feels incredibly giddy. Eddie is on top of me. However, Richie - being Richie - begins to imagine the most disgraceful of things with Eddie being in the same position, and bites down hard on his lower lip in the process of thinking such dirty things.

"Um, Chee?" Eddie snaps him from his ridiculous thoughts. Richie blinks slowly, sinking back into reality before realising that he somehow got his hands underneath Eddie's jumper and has his fingers firmly gripped onto Eddie's hipbones. Their eyes meet together again and Eddie is exposed to Richie's shit-eating grin. "Gross." Eddie shakes his head, quickly climbing off of Richie's sprawled out body.

"Owh c'mon, baby." Richie sits up, reaching out to grab the material of Eddie's jumper and tugging him back towards him with a small squeal. He grins up at Eddie's unimpressed face with fake innocence. "I was only jokingggg." He ruins it all with a rather dramatic wink.

"Well, don't." Eddie huffs, folding his arms like an unimpressed parent. "Our friends are literally up those stairs and could've thought–"

"Who cares what they think, Eds? It's just me and you, plus, I'm not sure I want to destroy your adorable innocence just yet." Richie smiles cheekily and Eddie lets out another scoff.

"Who said I was letting you, Tozier?" He says back with an increasing about of confidence, to which Richie feels a weird sensation start to overflow his stomach. Eddie being dominant. I fucking love this.

Richie stands up abruptly, and by quite literally towering over Eddie, the small boy ditches the confident tone and recoils back in on himself whilst looking up at Richie. "Yeah, not so cocky now, are we, smalls?" Richie smirks down at him, gripping onto Eddie's chin and tilting his head up slightly. Eddie just gulps, his eyes growing bigger by the second, until Richie grunts and lets out an obnoxious laugh. "I'm only joking, Spaghetti! I'm not that kinky, Jesus Christ!"

"O-Oh." Eddie just looks away to hide his flustered cheeks whilst Richie continues to laugh heartily. He feels as if that was a just small taster into exactly how Richie would be in bed.

"Anyway, why'd you wake me up? I'm so fucking tired." Richie yawns, running his fingers through Eddie's curls in attempt to tame them.

"Because everyone is already eating Mike's homemade bread." Eddie giggles as Richie lets out a small grunt of surprise.

"Bread? Has it even been sunrise?" He gasps before looking up at the clock on the wall which reads 8:00am. "Holy fucking shit, that is not sunrise."

"Told you it wasn't." Eddie giggles heartily, dimples appearing on both cheeks which Richie stares at, grinning.

"You sure like proving me wrong, don't ya, babylove?" Richie pinches Eddie's cheek before pressing an adoring kiss to his scrunched up face of grimace. Eddie hates those nicknames, so much so that he feels one- in-a-million every time Richie calls him something new. He secretly loves it.

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