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omg hi so daily reminder that I love you all so much💞💝💞💝💞
ps. I'm meant to be revising but shhh ;)

Eddie shows up at the lunch table the following Monday after Beverly's party, holding a small golden wrapped present in his hands. Bill is already delving into the rest of his gifts with a large grin whilst the rest of the teenagers around him watch with excited smiles. His birthday isn't for a few days, but they decided now would be a better time to share gifts before school break.

"Hi." Eddie smiles, holding the gift out towards Bill who happily takes the present. "Happy early birthday."

"Th-Thanks, Ed." Bill flashes an appreciative smile. Eddie nods back before glancing around the rest of the table, where his friends have all fallen into casual conversation, however Richie is the only one to notice Eddie's presence and quickly coaxes him over to sit down.

"Hey," Richie places an arm around Eddie once he takes a seat, watching the small boy pull a bag of fruit out of his bag for lunch. "We were thinking of having a movie night tonight at Bill's." Richie says once Eddie is back to staring at his lips again. "Wanna join?"

Eddie nibbles at a slice of apple. "I won't be allowed."

"Oh come on, smalls." Richie tightens his grip on Eddie's waste with a dramatic sigh. "You're hardly gonna end up in a ditch by the end of the night. Tell Sonia to screw her rules."

"Richie." Eddie rolls his eyes.

"Eddie." Richie mimics him with a grin, to which the smaller scoffs and goes back to eating his fruit. "Hey, I was only joking. Come on, even if you come for a bit, I'll drop you home afterwards." Richie pleads.

"No, Chee." Eddie sighs. "She won't let me. Go without me, you'll still have fun."

"And why the fuck would I do that?" Richie says with a surprised tone, which doesn't add any effect because Eddie can't hear it. "If you don't go, then I won't go."

"Why?" Eddie frowns, gesturing around at their group of friends, laughing and chatting. "You'll have a good time."

"Not without you, Eds."

"I'm hardly any fun, I ruin the movie every time with those massive subtitles on the screen." Eddie sighs heavily, putting another piece of fruit into his mouth for emphasis. Richie watches him, shaking his head with disapproval. Eddie just doesn't get it. So they leave the conversation there and focus in what Stanley is chatting about instead.

"So I was thinking we could watch Jaws tonight." He suggests before turning to Ben with a cheeky smile. "Or is that too much for you?"

"No, I think I'm fine with that, you just won't catch me swimming in the quarry for a few months." Ben says from his place beside Beverly and they all erupt into laughter. Ben has always been the more innocent one of the group, that's what makes him such a sweetheart. He's almost the complete opposite of Beverly, but they do say that opposites attract.

"So we've heard everyone's movie suggestions now?" Stanley frowns before catching eyes with Eddie, who is still picking at his fruit bag. "Oh yes, what films does Eddie want to watch tonight?" He says and they all turn to Eddie with expectant looks across their faces.

"Me?" Eddie looks up at them.

"He's not coming." Richie mutters from beside him, tugging at the rips in his jeans, and the other teenagers all gasp.

"O-Oh no, why n-not?" Bill asks with a rather disappointed look.

"You're not coming to one of our super iconic movie nights?" Beverly gasps.

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