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Heyyy babiesss💕 We hit 20k!!! I love you all!! Also, if I wrote another reddie book would you read it?

Eddie isn't the one for questioning others and causing a scene. That comes strictly as a final resort after something rather significant has occurred in his (usually) uneventful lifestyle.

So after listening to what Stanley had to say about the situation between Richie and a familiar red-haired girl sat in the opposite room, Eddie feels the urge to question Beverly upon her actions. After all, she did try and manipulate his boyfriend into kissing her just the other day. He has every right to do such a thing, but he just can't bring himself to do it. He can't. No way.

What would he say?

He swallows thickly and feels a surge of frustration pulsate through his bones. If only he had the guts to say something, Beverly wouldn't know what hit her. Except he doesn't, and that girl will never know how he truly feels about her. Part of him thinks it would be a bit of a shame since they did become rather good friends, however another part of him isn't surprised at all. He was a fool to believe that she wouldn't make a move on Richie sometime or later due to how obvious her feeling were for him. From the simple looks of admiration to the closeness of their bodies at every opportunity. How could he be so blind to her actions?

Eddie mutters an excuse to Stanley before pulling his jacket back onto his shoulders and heading towards the front door. He doesn't seem to run into Beverly on the way out, which he can only be immensely grateful for, before walking back out into the brisk outdoors. The cold air hits him like a slap to the face, harsh and unnecessary, small fingers fumbling with the zipper of his jacket whilst he heads down to the sidewalk.

He decides on taking the shortcut back home instead of the usual route he takes through the heart of the town. This way skips through the shops and down a short alleyway between a few blocks of flats, one of which Eddie is blissfully unaware that Beverly used to live in with her father before he mysteriously died. But still, the breeze can't quite follow him through the tight alleyway and therefore it makes the journey a little warmer too, and Eddie can't complain at that.

He goes ahead and counts the amount of cigarette buds left lifeless on concrete floor as he strolls along, being sure to also take note of the few empty beer bottles and canisters abandoned by their owners too. His only assumption is that teenagers like Henry Bowers must hang around these areas – the musky streets of Derry – along with their foul companions and rivals. It's a neglected area that reeks with trouble, the space so compact that Eddie could stretch out his arms and touch the buildings on both sides.

The afternoon glow quickly becomes a dim haze of darkness. Trash cans begin to appear like figures and overgrown vines like crawling hands upon the buildings. This only makes Eddie pick up his pace. For a moment he contemplates running the rest of what seems like the never-ending path, but instead he pauses to glance simultaneously over his shoulder for anything that might be lurking. It seems to be the empty packets of trash wallowing around in the breeze that cause him to jump, kickstarting a skittish frenzy within the teenager. It's like a switch is flicked on inside his brain and suddenly he feels in deep danger. His body twists and turns in each direction, eyes wide to be sure to capture any movement within his surroundings. Breath hitches in his throat as his senses begin to fall into hyperdrive, paranoia rushing through his veins like Henry Bowers on heroin.

Henry Bowers.

Eddie feels like something is watching him, like a pair of eyes are burning into his brain. Images of Bowers begin to splash into his mind like the pages of a horror comic; his ghastly smile and evil laughter. Soon enough Eddie can't stand it any longer and retreats against one side of the alleyway with his back pressing tight to the bricks. His head continues to search left and right, certain that someone is there somewhere.

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