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The moment he places his hand on the door handle, he feels his mothers hand on his shoulder. He quickly closes his eyes and lets out a small sigh, slowly turning around to face the protective woman.

"Ma?" He asks. She releases the grip on his shoulder and shoots him a concerned look.

"Where're you off too? Your still recovering, Eddie-bear."

Eddie hates that name. He hates the way she babies him everyday, like he can't do things by himself. Of course mothers get worried, and the small teen understands this, but he doesn't understand why she worries quite so much.

It's every mother's heartbreak when they hear their child isn't the same as the others. Or isn't that 'normal' child like everyone else's. But often the mother takes it in her stride and does everything she can to make the perfect life for their child. However Sonia takes it too far. Too far in Eddie's mind anyway.

Now at the ripe age of seventeen, Eddie Kaspbrak is terrified of public bathrooms, going anywhere without his fanny-pack filled with supplies, and most importantly: germs.

"Out with my friends." Eddie gulps, shuffling his feet slightly beneath him in attempt to show his eagerness. Sonia doesn't quite grasp it though.

"Sweetie, you can't go. You're still getting over your injury." She takes a step towards him but Eddie quickly moves away. It's been almost two weeks and Eddie knows that his wound is healing well, and the salt water will actually help soothe the damaged blade puncture to the right of his abdomen.

"Mama I'm fine, really." He holds onto the door handle and slowly pushes it down. Sonia's eyes quickly dart to his moving hand. "I'll be careful, m-my friends will be there." He slowly edges the door open, being careful not to get ahead of himself. The burn from his mother's stare almost hurts his hand once he pulls the door completely open, revealing their front yard and blue skies. Eddie gulps and takes a small step outside. "I-I'll be back soon." He edges further away from her.

Grab the bike and go.

"Fine." Sonia almost whispers, a small sigh leaving her lips. All she can think about is these 'friends' Eddie is talking about. She knows he needs some people in his life, to have fun and laugh with sometimes, but she gets scared every time. What if they hurt my baby? "Be back by eight." She almost forces the words from her mouth.

Eddie's eyes quickly light up, and he plants a quick kiss on his mothers cheek. "Thanks mama, see you later!" He eagerly jumps onto his bike and starts to pedal away, leaving his beloved Mum leaning against the doorframe with a deep sigh.

Keep safe, Eddie-bear.


"Don't look at me like that!" Stanley scoffs in disgust. "You're making me want to die even sooner!"

"D-Don't joke a-about th-that." Bill joins in, taking his place beside the curly haired boy. Stanley only rolls his eyes and shoot at look at Richie, who in return pouts like a toddler.

"Richie is my depression." He announces, but they all choose to ignore him.

It's a rather warm day in Derry again. It was one of those baby-blue skies, not the obnoxious candy-blue or the washed out grey like that of wintry mornings. It was nice.

Richie lays on his back beside the spring quarry waters, the sunlight painting his pale skin as he watches the few puff clouds make their away across the sky. Today was postcard perfect.

"H-Hey." A small voice squeaks, snapping the teenagers head towards the opening of the oak trees. He springs up with joy once he's sees Eddie holding his bike up to the side and smiling brightly at them all.

 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 | ͏reddieWhere stories live. Discover now