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Back in business baby 😏

The scenery is beautiful in Toronto.

Although far from home, the teenagers almost forget completely about the families they have left behind once they arrive. They burst out of the camper-van and don't hesitate to take in a long breath of the fresh Toronto air. However, it doesn't take long before they quickly become immersed in the task of putting up tents and gathering wood for a fire. The air changes from crisp to sub-zero within a few minutes once the orange sun begins to set amongst the lake on the horizon, the freezing high-schooler's soon picking up their pace in putting up the make-shift tents to avoid the impending darkness.

"You're doing it wrong, for Christ sake, Stanley!"

The air condenses with every word that leaves Beverly's lips, a small chuckle following closely afterwards whilst she watches the curly haired boy struggling with the metal rods. Stanley just scoffs, dropping his fight with the tent.

"This test is just shit, it's not me." He turns towards the red-headed girl with a stern look of confidence. She just laughs rather amusingly.

"Yeah, right."

Once the sun has completely hidden itself, which doesn't take long, the teenagers finally light the campfire successfully. The burning wood becomes bright and vivid, as though someone had shown a spotlight on it, and a huddle of cold bodies begin to gather round the source of heat. The intensity and excitement of the flames sets bright smiles upon the teenager's faces whilst they hold out their numbed hands for defrosting. The sparks of hot red and bright orange create dancing shadows upon each of their faces whilst the darkness begins to consume the rest of the lakeside.

Richie had seemingly found the most perfect place for them to stop, just beside the lake in a small creek. Huge pine-trees surround the area and encapsulate their chosen campsite, the perfect amount of room to set down their brightly coloured tents. There seemed to be the remains of an older, retired fire in the middle of the area when they arrived, a pile of charcoaled wood and burnt leaves. The symbol of the people who must've stayed in the same place previously only reassured the teens further that it was the perfect spot to stay. There's no doubt that the chosen lakeside was the the best idea Stanley had ever come up with; despite dipping chips in chocolate milkshake. The Losers loved it already.

The night begins with the teenagers getting comfortable in their camp-space and taking out some torches to go and explore the area a little more. Although Mike advises that they don't go out too far incase they get lost, this doesn't stop a few of the wild teenagers from heading off in a different directions for the thrill. They make sure that their torches are working spritely and disperse from the campsite, leaving just four behind.
Beverly and Ben set off along the lakeside, close to the water, whilst Richie and Eddie begin towards the gravel path set out between the trees. Those left behind simply stay gathered around the fire, now wrapped up to their necks in blankets, and happily roast their marshmallows with smiles and giggles.

"Isn't it so nice here?" Beverly says gently whilst gazing in awe at the dark lake. She shines the torch towards the water and watches the orange light glisten in reflection, then turns towards Ben with a smile. However it quickly becomes apparent that he was looking at her already, eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." He replies finally with a nod. If it wasn't so dark then Beverly would be able to see that his cheeks are now blushing crimson, so he's thankful for that.

The auburn girl moves the torch from the lake and then towards Ben, illuminating his face from the darkness of the night. The shadows that cast upon his face define his small features and his hazel eyes squint from the bright beam that now shoots towards him. Beverly takes second just to admire his squishy features and admirable facial structure before moving the torch again - back to the floor.

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