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I am honestly so sorry for my disappearance. I hope you are all doing well and are safe! Jheeze so much has happened... if anyone is still here then thank you. Love you all <3

There's a buzz of excitement in the air as the bags and endless amounts of luggage are thrown into the back of camper-van one by one. It's rather early in the morning, which explains the shivering and chattering lips from the teens, and there's fresh frost forming on the windows of the van. A bitter breeze outside to add further to the unpleasant conditions.

"You stay safe, kids." Sharon announces from her place to the side of the van. She stands wrapped in her woven cardigan, obviously freezing from the sudden temperature drop overnight, and watches the teens load their things into the vehicle they have rented for the week. There's a shine of pride in her smile, not only for her son, but for his friends too. It's rather emotional watching them grow from youthful children now to young adults going on their first real adventures together. It's quite a step up from the countless movie nights they held in her and Zach's basement. But they all have to grow up at some point.

"W-We will, M-Mom." Bill approaches the woman he loves dearest in his life and pulls her into a warming hug.

Beside them, Richie is quick to perk up with a stupid grin. "Let's be real, Mrs Denbrough will miss me the most."

The others laugh at Richie's stupidity, including Sharon herself, before carrying on their previous tasks.

"You're an idiot, Trashmouth." Stanley announces and throws a bag in the direction of the tall boy. Richie manages to catch it just in time with a groan from the harsh impact.

"Touché, Bird-Man."

It doesn't take long until they've loaded up all of their luggage and said their hearty goodbyes. Although they'll only be gone for a week, the families they leave behind seem to treat it as though they won't be reunited for years. Ben's parents appear on the verge of tears when they hug a final goodbye and steer out of their driveway, leaving them waving solemnly in the distance. Even Karen seems upset when she hugs Richie in the doorway, ruffling his hair afterwards to lighten the mood. Mike had also ran down the stairs with Nancy at his side to beg their brother goodbye.

It's slightly easier for the other teenagers to leave, this even includes Will - who had told his parents last minute about the trip. Somewhat sceptical, they wearily agreed and actually grew excited by the time the trip came around. After all, Will has never experienced friendship and adventure like this before, and it made his family happy. It's promising for them to see.

But when it comes for Eddie to leave, it's a little different. The teenagers all sit in the camper, biting their nails and waiting anxiously for Eddie to leave his house and join them. If he even does, that is.

It's tense, and Richie is the only one that gets out of the van and actually stands waiting hopefully by the opened door, now exposed to the freezing air once again.
C'mon Kaspbrak, he chants mercilessly in his head.

Soon, The heat from inside the vehicle begins to escape due to the open door, and quickly the teens left inside are moaning in dismay at the lowering temperature. But Richie takes no notice. His eyes stay glued to the front door of the Kaspbrak household.

Inside the house, the atmosphere is tense.

"Bye-bye, Mom." Eddie holds tightly onto the straps of his backpack and gazes anxiously down the hallway towards his mother. She doesn't seem mad however. Not yet anyway.

She takes a few steps towards her son, the brunette forcing a gulp. "It's not too late to stay, Eddie." Her face a picture of pure and twisted worry. Sonia can only hope that her son might change his mind and stay safe with her at home, instead of leaving to somewhere far away with people that he barely knows. But Eddie has other ideas.

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