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I hope you are all happy and well, I love you guys <3

Eddie drives home with Richie once school is finished.

It was wrong for Eddie to believe for a second that they'd just relax together and enjoy each other's company in front of the fire or maybe watching a movie. They don't usually have much time to themselves between school and strict parenting, so of course he was looking forward to spending some quality time with Richie.

He must've read the situation wrong, so after entering Richie's room he simply runs his fingertips along the books piled up on the desk and giggles at the amount of work his boyfriend cannot be bothered to complete. His eyes are glazed with innocence whilst he analyses the titles of each book and the scribbles Richie leaves on the pages due to boredom in lesson. One book in particular has a small doodle on the front which Eddie finds particularly amusing, so he picks it up and turns it towards his boyfriend.

"What's this?" He giggles. However Richie is far too interested in the top drawer of his bedside table to respond accordingly, and continues to rummage. This causes a frown to appear upon the smaller's face. "Bubba?" He tries to gain his attention.

"Yeah one sec." Richie mutters with his back turned still, completely useless to Eddie who cannot read his lips.

"Don't ignore me..." Eddie whispers.

Meanwhile, Richie still rummages frantically throughout the drawer, fingers fiddling around with the contents. He hears Eddie's small whisper and rolls his eyes, "I'm not fucking ignoring you," he mutters to himself.

"Richie?" Eddie asks again. At this point it takes a harsh bite to his lower lip to help Richie contain his sudden frustration. He inhales a deep breath to avoid snapping at his boyfriend and slowly turns away from the drawer and towards the pretty boy by his desk.

"What?" His voice is monotone, face blank. The sudden change in mood causes Eddie's expression to falter, and the look on Richie's face causes a sudden wash of anxiety throughout his tiny body.

"O-Oh, um..." He stutters and carefully places the book back down onto the desk with slight embarrassment. "Never mind."

Richie watches him put the book back down before looking back up towards the boy's face. His huge brown eyes sparkle from the sunlight cascading through the window beside him, skin appearing golden from the rays. Richie's face softens at the sight, muscles loosening. Eddie appears so effortlessly beautiful in that moment and it completely engulfs Richie's mind, so much so that he forgets why he was even frustrated in the first place.

"Eds," he waves to catch Eddie's attention and watches the way his sparkling eyes draw straight towards his moving lips. "Come here."

It takes a few seconds of contemplation before Eddie takes a few weary steps towards Richie across the room. This room is so much larger and nicer than the one in Richie's old house. The Wheeler's obviously take a lot of care in the presentation of their house, so it's no longer a surprise to see Richie's new room so clean. Despite Richie's 'no entry' policy, Karen doesn't fail to enter at her own will just to keep the shrine looking pristine. The room is set out almost identical to Richie's old bedroom, but just without the rotting walls and the cold eerie feel. Eddie likes this room better. It comes without the memories.

"Come on." Richie coaxes him closer using his hands. Eddie picks up his pace only slightly, fingers fiddling nervously at the sleeves of his jumper until he stops directly in front of the taller teen. Their eyes interlock and both just stare. It feels like forever that they're stood like this, just a few inches between their bodies, getting lost in each other's eyes.

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