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"So why did you call again? I mean come on, you and contemplating life, again, doesn't really mix–" Beverly's voice is cut off by a long sigh from the curly haired boy on the other end of the phone.

"Fuck off with the whole 'contemplating life' shit." He mimics her voice in an unnaturally high tone. "I'm ringing to ask if you've seen Eds?"

Beverly almost laughs on the other end of the phone. "Oh, what a surprise." Her eyes roll instead.

"Shut up, Beaverly. At least I actually care about someone." He smiles to himself. Beverly can almost hear his smirk and scoffs distastefully.

"Fuck you, Tozier." She adjust the phone by her ear and plays with the fresh cigarette in her hands. "And to answer your question, yes, I have seen him."

Richie quickly perks up like an excited puppy, his back pressed against the side of his bed. He's sat on the floor again. "You have? When?"

"Jheeze, calm down." She chuckles. "He was in the library when I went to see Ben. That was straight after school though so he might've gone home by now." She hears Richie audibly sigh.


"Why?" She teases. "Trying to bag him as your own already? You've only known him for two weeks!"

"Pfft, no!" Richie feels the sweat start to build up between his palm and the phone. "He's just... vulnerable." He speaks the last word barely above a whisper.

Beverly goes a little quiet on the other side of the phone, still twirling the cigarette between her fingers and looking at herself in the mirror. She doesn't remember a time when Richie actually made an effort to see someone he likes. Let alone ask where they are and invite them to lunch everyday. She can tell that her best-friend has fallen head over heels for the deaf boy, but something is telling her not to let him fall quiet so quickly. It seems a little dangerous to her.

"Maybe he goes to the library to be by himself for a bit." Beverly bites her bottom lip. She tries to hide the guilt of what she's trying to do, but all she wants is the best for her hyperactive companion. "Are you sure you're not drowning him with your Tozier presence?" She chooses her words carefully.

Richie frowns to himself and rests his head back onto the mattress of his bed, scowling at the ceiling. What a fucking dumb thing to assume. "Of course not!" He snaps a little too harshly. "He hasn't got anyone, Bev. Why the fuck would you say that?"

The auburn girl's eyes widen at this. Not often does Beverly have people confront her, but when they do, it doesn't end too pretty. She's like a small flame, and anyone who dares mistreat it could lead to a wildfire. Richie has definitely overstepped the mark.

"I'm just saying that the poor kid is being drowned by a lanky fuck-up like you! Don't you think he's had enough disappointment in his life? Let alone having you wanting to fuck his ass every five seconds! Leave the damn kid alone a bit, Rich!" She slams the phone down onto the stand, staring at the shiny black outer in a flushed anger.

Richie, on the other hand, goes to shout back but is cut off by an obnoxious beep and the phone cutting off. "Beverly! Bev!" He shouts into the phone before groaning and tossing it onto the floor.

What a bitch! The thought runs through his mind, clutching his curls and closing his eyes in attempt to calm down. He tries lying to himself and thinking 'she's just looking out for you, stop being so ungrateful', but he quickly gets annoyed again and throws the contents of his bedside drawer across the room.

"Lanky fuck-up like you!"

He huffs heavily through his nose like an aggravated bull, and eventually decides to get some air.

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