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I honestly love reading all of your comments some of them have me creasing💀 Alsooo where are you all from? Wanna know the best times to update ;)

The morning after an awkward and rather upsetting night, clouds dominate the dreary sky leaving only the slightest patches of murky blue. There's a hue of overall greyness, dull and deep; a suggestion that rain may play a part in the day to come. Inside the Kaspbrak household holds brewing chaos.

Sonia stands firm in her floral dressing gown with a face beet-red, refusing to let Eddie go to school until he tells her exactly where he had been the night before without consulting her beforehand. She was shocked to say the least when Eddie returned home so late last night, however not taking into account or noticing how upset her son appeared to be at the time.
Still, she blocks off the front door with her large figure whilst Eddie rocks tirelessly on his feet, waiting to leave the house with the threat of being late for first lesson.

"Where were you, Eddie? It's not a hard question to answer!" She presses.

"It doesn't matter, Mom. I'm fine." Eddie sighs heavily and goes to grab the door handle, only to get swiped away by his mothers hand. He flinches a little and backs away again with wide brown eyes.

"You can't go leaving here without telling me where you're going. I know you trust Richie but I'm still not convinced that he won't put you in danger, Eddie." She exclaims, and the mention of it Richie's name makes Eddie's blood boil suddenly. How long will it take her to finally trust Eddie's own judgement of people?

"Richie would never put me in danger." Eddie glares back at her. "Just let me go or I'll be late for school." He goes towards the door again, but only for it to be blocked once again.

"You know the curfew and didn't even consult me beforehand!" Sonia continues.

"I'm not a child."

Sonia startles momentarily. She's taken aback by her son's newly profound ability to argue back in such a rude manner. It only makes her more assured that his new friends must be the cause of this influence. Much as she wants him to live his best life, this attitude is not convincing her as such to let him continue in that direction.

"You are a child." Her teeth grit together to withhold her growing rage. It doesn't last long however, and suddenly she snaps. "I know what you've been up to, sleeping around and drinking, but you're still my child and I want you to be safe!" She practically screams, her face drawing sweat and voice cracking slightly.

Eddie stares back at her with pure shock. This is all it takes for him to finally let go too. How could she say that!

"I'm almost eighteen, Mom!" He shouts, making the woman jump all of a sudden. Eddie never shouts at his mom. "I'm not your baby anymore! And none of that is even true! Just let me go!"

With that the small teenager dodges his mother's large figure and successfully opens the door. He finds himself bounding down the front porch and speeding towards the road without looking back, not once. The cold outdoors hits his roasting hot face like a breath of fresh air; a release. The echoes of his mom's voice follow behind him.

"Eddie! You get back here!" Sonia runs out onto the porch and watches her son disappear into the distance at fast pace. She clenches her jaw with eyes threatening to fill with tears from the feeling of betrayal. She almost decides to get in the car and go after him, but it already feels to late.

What happened to her angel child?


Once at school, Eddie sits at his desk quietly and can't focus on what the teacher is writing on the board one bit. Instead his thoughts are constantly engaged by sight of his mother's enraged face, her aura of anger surrounding him.
He tries to ignore it by doodling and scribbling in his notebook, but nothing seems to be working, especially when he flips the page and sees the drawing of Richie he did. After that he gives up and closes the notepad with a heavy sigh.

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