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Happy 2020 babies.
And to celebrate, here's some drama :)

The evening grows ever darker, the glistening lights illuminating further as time progresses, and the carnival becomes even more crowded than previously.
Beverly and Richie walk closely together and attempt to find the friends they left behind at the food van, which seems more of a struggle than they first anticipated with the amount of cramped bodies building up with time.

The Losers stop all conversation between themselves and stare accusingly at the pair once they arrive. It's tense, but also inquisitive. Of course they all want to find out if Beverly and Richie have overcome their previous troubles in that small amount of time they were alone together. However this also brings a rise in suspicion amongst the other friends.

"Woah, what's up with you guys?" Richie holds his hands up in false surrender in response to the blunt look upon all their faces. He lets a faint chuckle escape his mouth and they all watch it condense into the cold air. None of them respond, causing Richie's smile to fade entirely and his eyes to draw towards someone in particular.


The smallest boy within the group just stares down at the floor, biting harsh at his lower lip with rosy cheeks and glistening eyes. Richie feels his chest quickly tighten at the sight and goes to approach him, only to be quickly stopped in his tracks.

"We got your food." Mike interrupts the silence by holding out a pair of freshly made hotdogs purchased from the van. Both Beverly and Richie exchange a slow glance before taking the food with thankful expressions.

"Mike, you're the best!" Beverly plants a soft kiss onto the boys cheek, causing his eyes to widen with slight shock. The other teenagers watch silently before letting out quiet mutters and beginning to walk towards the other attractions.

They walk mostly in silence between the heavy crowds, with only a few conversations sparking up between them here and there. Richie finds himself hanging back from the group and trudging slowly behind Stan and Bill. The whole time he can't help but notice the way they turn and giggle at each other, and how their gloved hands collide every so often, fingers intertwining so delicately. It's obvious that they're in love, but of course it isn't anyone else's business. Richie just watches them with slight envy before his eyes cast towards his own boyfriend in the distance, who's arm is locked with Ben's so that he won't get lost in the huge crowds. Richie notices the way Eddie watches closely at Ben's face as he talks, so that he can read his lips, and then the giggle that escapes his mouth in response to the words.

That should be you, Trashmouth.

Richie shakes his head, cursing lowly under his breath before they all stop at the Ferris wheel. There's a large queue but that doesn't matter, every year they ride the wheel like some sort of Losers' tradition, and they definitely won't break that this year.

"W-We have to p-pair up." Bill announces to the group, who each begin to exchange glances with their desired partners. Richie's eyes shoot towards Eddie, who is cluelessly staring at his shoes and rocking on his heels repeatedly like a young child.

Richie lets out a small sigh at the sight and approaches the oblivious boy, stopping in front of him in attempt to gain his attention. Eddie acknowledges the familiar black boots that plant themselves in front of his red Converse, however he doesn't respond accordingly. He stares down at the shoes and feels a bubble of frustration begin form in his chest, tightening with every second that passes.

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