Chapter 53: The I-expo Party (Movie 1; Part 2)

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        "Ok that's it," Sakyh hissed as she stumbled on her dress, pain shooting through one of her ankles. "One of you needs to just rip this stupid thing so I don't slow us down more than I already have." She snapped.

        "We already told you it's not going to happen." Todoroki stated. "Learn to adapt to the situation and stop whining because you lack the skill to do something. Do it yourself if it bothers you that much, you're just wasting more time arguing. Besides what kind of girl doesn't know how to run in a dress?" he added turning back away to start running again.

        A growl slipped from Sakyhs lips as she quickly shoved Todoroki around and yanked on his tie to draw him closer in anger. "You think I haven't thought of that Dumba*s!? Stitchy makes my dresses out of fabric I can't tear on my own. You can shove the blame on me all you want but all you have to do is take 10 seconds to rip some stupid fabric! Your stupid gentlemens code is just a bullsh*t excuse that shouldn't take priority to a hostage situation! Mew forbid I hear Melissa gets severely hurt because I swear I will castrate all three of you!" she practically roared in his face.

        Todoroki blinked as he did not expect that type of reaction from the girl. 

        "How high do I need to tear it Princess?" Bakugo suddenly piped up with a rare emotional touch to his voice.

       Sakyh quickly shoved Todoroki away as she turned to Bakugo with hopeful eyes. Seeing him motion her over and start to kneel down she rushed up to the flat area in the stairs where he was. "Around my knees but if it ends up higher that's fine. I have shorts on underneath."

        "Of course you do." Bakugo softly chuckled as he finished gathering the fabric in his hands. He scanned her over once more, not wanting to shatter the image in front of him, before letting a small explosion pop off followed with a jerk of his arm.

        The gentlemen in both Todoroki and Kirishima wept with each small pop and uneven tear they heard.

        "Thank you for snapping back to the Bakugo I know!" Sakyh contently breathed out as she ran her fingers into his hair. Her lips met the middle of his forehead for a nice little smooch before she stepped around him. "Now lets get going!" she determinedly shouted before running up the next set of stairs.

        Bakugo stayed rooted on the floor as his quirk began to act on its own, keeping the other two at bay. Heck he was oblivious to it since he was certain it was activating under every inch of his skin. His heart was practically thumping out of his chest as he finally welcomed the fuzzy feeling. A new spark of fire burned through his veins as Sakyh called after the three boys.


        "It looks like a few of the others got caught." Sakyh whispered between huffs. They all had learned to check the rooms before rushing in many floors ago. "I don't see Melissa, Uraraka or Deku so I'm guessing they managed to get around them." She moved back to give them all a turn to peak into the room.

        "Tsk. There are bots above just like every other floor. Half-n-Half you're getting the top floor this time." Bakugo declared already making a step forward. 

        "Wait!" Sakyh quickly whispered catching his arm. "This is the server room, you so much as blow one column up and the whole system could go haywire!"

        "Even better, we can take out the whole system."

        "This system is active across the whole island. What if it makes the bots target the people outside the tower?" Sakyh reasoned.

        Bakugo grit his teeth at her words and surveyed the room once again. "Fine. Icy-Hot you create a roof with your ice to keep the bots from pouring down. I'll blast the bots around the others while you and Sh*tty Hair get them out of there."

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