Chapter 29: Internships - Ending Day 1 & 2

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"Oh, little Yagi, you could have made your costume so much cuter." Lady Stitch pouted as she circled said girl.

Sakyh simply smiled at the lady she considered her aunt. "Sorry, Tia but I am not wearing a dress, skirt, or showing off any more skin then I already am. I honestly should have gone with some loose pants."

Her aunt simply shivered at the thought of the girls before designs. "You really make me cringe from your lack of fashion sense. At least you don't run around looking like a mismatched unicorn"

Autumn stood further back giggling behind her hand at the two. She had talked to her daughter about her costume thousands of times and helped her make it what it was now. Her smile grew after she realized her colors went together with her crushes costume. "Sweetie that boy really is just for you" she started.

Both Sakyh and Lady Stitch turned to her in confusion. "Huh?"

Autumn smirked at her daughter. "Your costume colors match his just without the green, his bad-boy attitude fits your little type, and he's on the hero track as a bonus!" she explained with a matchmaker's voice.

Sakyhs face burned at the realization as Lady Stitch smirked down at the girl.

"That reminds me. I have a little outfit for you to try on my dear~"

Sakyhs face paled as she was quickly shoved into a dressing room with a black bag that had a star, the pound sign, and a number one on it. She reluctantly set the bag down on the little bench in the room and looked around. There was no mirror for her to see herself in the room so she would have to just hope she put everything on correctly. With a deep breath, she opened the bag and pulled the first article of clothes out. Her face darkened as she realized instantly what her aunt was doing. She set the black shirt with a red 'X' on it down and began to strip down to put the bags mystery outfit on. Once the top and the baggy black pants that went with it were on she stepped out of the changing room. Never once did her head lift up.


Sakyhs eyes widen as she looked up. Her face burned even more as she noticed a camera sitting in her mothers hands. Another was taken after that and she groaned and hid her face in her hands.

"Keep your eyes closed and look up for a moment. You dare move and you get to try on the skimpy looking version." Her aunt bluffed.

Sakyh tensed. Her aunt had pulled that bluff before but followed through so she was not about to chance that today, especially since Bakugo was somewhere in the building. A shudder ran down her spine. She better hope Jeanist didnt even hears rumor of that outfit or the agency would be down one sidekick. So with a defeated sigh, she lifted her head up, eyes closed just as she was told. The gentle brush of Stitchys fingers glides by her face until a soft, silky material rests against her face. Sakyh could only imagine how red her face must look now as she could no longer feel it. After feeling the knot being tied and the mask smoothed out around her hair she opened her eyes.


"I take back what I said. I dislike you both." Sakyh whined.

"We love you too~" Stitchy teased.

"Come on Honey do a pose!" her mother encouraged with the giddiness of a teenager.

Sakyh simply looked around the room. Her eyes fell on another bag with the same symbols but with a number two on it. She walked over, picked it up, and headed back into the changing room. Once the door was closed she stripped out of the outfit and put everything that came out back in. She carefully undid the knot of the mask and examined it. It was practically Bakugos mask but with the ending long like ribbons. There was an explosive pattern to the end as well as a part in the middle where it had been tied. Knowing her aunt, the explosive outline would make an explosive bow. Shaking her head she stuffed it into the bag and opened the new one. She could let her mother and aunt get their little matchmaker moments out of the way early and be done with it. She hoped at least.

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