Chapter 55: The Video Voicemail

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I'm going to start this chapter with a little note from me. I want to apologize for taking a while to put this new chapter out. I was trying to get the next few chapters the way I wanted before posting but that's proving more difficult than I thought. I should have written the scenes out when I first imagined them. They feel so forced and stupid compared to what I originally imagined. So please forgive me if the next couple of chapters are terrible.  Also, I know the name I added in here will sound stupid or cringy so feel free to replace it with one of your liking. I'll change it if I think of a better one later on and probably rewrite this little section too. I'm also open to any critics, opinions, or ideas you all have for me if you'd like to leave them. Anyway, thank all of you who have read this far and want to continue reading, it means a lot to me. It makes my day to see this story get added to reading lists, get votes, and just reads in general. Without wasting any more of yalls time, I hope you all have or have had an amazing day! 


        "What do you mean you don't know when they'll be getting back?!"

        "I didn't ask when their flight was leaving. I just know they're coming back today!"

        "I didn't raise my son to be a slacker of a boyfriend! You better figure it out or get your a*s down here to help make lunch!"

        Bakugo grumbled at the argument currently going on between him and his mother. All he wanted to do was pack for the summer camp he would be going on in two days. Aggressively pausing his music and throwing his phone onto his bed he moved away from his bag. "I'm not her boyfriend ya Hag! You're just as bad as her damn aunt!" he shouted back as he jerked his door open to walk down to the kitchen. "The hell are you trying to make anyway?!"

        "Get down here and find out!"

        Mumbling under his breath Bakugo stomped his way down the stairs and eyed the living room. It seemed his father wasn't back yet so he really was stuck helping his mother. Walking into the kitchen he scanned the area and understood why she needed help. "What the hell are you planning to bake? It's just going to burn anyway."

        "I had Autumn tell me one of Sakyhs favorite cookies so we are going to learn how to make them together from scratch. You need all the help you can get to win her over so one of us has to learn how to make them right." Mitsuki informed him as she set a lid onto a pot.

        "I don't need your damn help. I'm not trying to win her over." He pointed out though walked over to the sink to wash his hands. He knew where he got his stubbornness from and it sure wasn't his dad.

        "If you aren't then why did you put her as your wallpaper on your phone?"

        Bakugo simply growled knowing she had a point. Had he not cared he wouldn't still have it be a picture of her. His little realization a few days ago didn't help. "Just pull up the damn instructions already or I'm leaving the second the Old Man gets back."

        Mitsuki smiled before pulling the small stack of papers offthe kitchen table. "Perfect. Just grab me some tape from the drawer and we'll tapethese to the cabinets in order so we don't mess them up. Last time was.. just a mess."

        Doing as told Bakugo searched around the drawer next to the fridge for tape before stealing the papers to read. Sugar cookies and icing didn't look too hard to make from scratch so he should be back in his room within an hour or two.

        With that, the two set to work attempting to make the sugar cookies only to have the first batch of dough come out way too crumbly. Trying to make it work only led to the cookies falling apart before they could move them to a pan to put in the oven. Chunking that failed attempt into the trash they restarted and got it a bit more put together. Both of them cursed as the cookies broke way too easily after pulling the first batch out of the oven. The taste was a bit too bland for their liking too so they searched up another recipe to try. It got the dough right on the first try but the flavor was off still. This only lead to more failed attempts before they finally got it to their liking.

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