Ch. 70 Training for the Licensing Exam

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        "Alright class, listen up!" Mr. Aiza starts as he walked into the classroom. "The hero licensing exams are in just a few days so we don't have long to get you all ready. The training camp was supposed to prep you all enough but we all know how that went. Little Yagi here wasn't even able to attend a single day so I want the rest of you to show her just what she missed out on. The next week will be filled with nothing but training from sun up to sun down so you all better get ready. The only breaks I will allow are going to be basic needs, you passing out, and you modifying your costumes. I highly recommend many of you think of upgrades though you probably won't get them until after the exams since the hero course students get first priority." He hit the button on his desk for the costume shelves to expand from the wall. "You all have twenty minutes to get your costumes on and onto the bus. We're going to ground Omega so if any of you miss it you'll have to run there!"

        Sakyh, as well as the rest of the class, shivered at the thought of running all the way to the training grounds. Like obedient little children, they all quickly began gathering their hero costumes from the wall.

        "Yagi, my desk for a moment." Mr. Aiza piped up as she and her friends stepped by his desk.

        Sakyh stepped up to his desk hesitantly. "Yes sir?"

        "I've taken your injuries into consideration so you won't be pushed quite as hard as the others until I see you are back up to normal strength. You may be healed but that doesn't mean your body isn't under extreme stress. I also know your sleeping schedule is as screwed up as my brothers so you'll have scheduled naps from now on until it is fixed. Once you are back up to full strength you will be taking extra classes to make sure you are caught up with everyone else."

        "T-thank you sir," Sakyh mumbled as her grip tightened on her skirt.

        "Now for the news you probably won't like." He continued with a large sigh. "As much as it pains me to do this, you will be working with Midnight for majority of this training. She won't be around every day so learn what you can from her about confidence and new dance moves. Your internship with Lady Stitch let me know you avoid certain songs, with good reason in my opinion. You'll need to learn to get out of your comfort zone though incase the occasion calls for it. If anything gets too extreme let me know immediately, you hear me."

        Sakyh wished she could just melt into the floor. Midnight was known for her more exotic style. She could already imagine her innocent side being torn to shreds with each lesson Midnight was to teach her. "Y-yes sir."

        "Oh~ Bakugo's going to blow a fuse." Hitoshi and Zukero tease as they walk by.

        "You two will mention nothing! To anyone!" Sakyh warned while shooting around to point a finger at them.

        Both boys simply lifted their hands up in surrender though their teasing smiles let her know the topic wouldn't be dropped so easily.



        "This place gives me chills. It looks so much like the training camp just without all the mountains." Hitoshi shivered.

        "I wish I could have gone." Sakyh pouted a little. "Without how it ended of course."

        "Do you think the teachers would let us and the Bakusquad have a camping trip out here one day? It's part of campus so they can't say it's not safe to stay at." Zukero brought up.

        "That sounds like fun. I've never been camping before." Sakyh told them. Exploring a forest had always been something she wanted to do.

        "Glad all of you made it on the bus." Mr. Aiza stated glancing at a few girls who had just barely squeezed in on time. "All of you will be scattered throughout the facility to work on your quirks. A flag with your number is on it for you to find so you know which area is yours. I as well as the other teachers helping out will be jumping in every so often to either check on you, spar, or lead you to another student to spar with so pay attention. We teachers won't give any warnings so be on your guard as you practice. Now before one of you asks, there will be earpieces in each of the poles holding your flags for you to use to contact me if you need anything. They are equipped with a panic button so be mindful that you hit the right one when wanting to talk. You all will be given 30 minutes to find your flags since we had to space you all out so much. Check in with your earpieces once you get there and begin training."

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