Chapter 22: Round-3 The Final Tournament (Part 2)

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"Kirishima is the winner! Add him to the bracket." Midnight announces.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had been finally pulled back up on stage to determine the winner of their match. It was decided by an arm-wrestling competition.

A smile made its way to Sakyhs face as the two boys shook hands in a form of good sportsmanship. She did best to ignore Midnight who was blushing and squirming around at the chivalrous display. Without even asking Sakyh lightly sang a short song that healed the boys arm. Once it was done the boy thanked her before she looked over at Kirishima. "I-I'm sorry I can't really heal you since you're not hurt. Recovery girl told me not to heal anyones stamina unless they are knocked out of the tournament."

Kirishima gave her a laid-back smile. "Ah, no big deal. It'll just show how much more manly I am." He emphasized. "I do have a question though. Am I allowed to see the picture Ashido took? I tried to get her to show me but she said I would have to ask you first. Makes sense so Im sorry for trying to look before asking you if it was ok."

Sakyhs face quickly turned as dark as the boys hair. "O-oh. U-um...I-I guess? J-just please dont tell anyone." She stumbly pleaded to him. Her eyes shining in hopeful trust.

"Picture? So, the girls got a picture of you in that cheer uniform~ I'll have to see it for myself." Midnight teases which only made Sakyh tense up.

"Now we've got a full roster for the next round of the tournament. Let's get the party started now, ya dig?" Present Mics voice echoed out to get their attention back on track.

With that, the group went back to their spots to let the next round start.

"I can feel the anticipation in the stadium! And that's because the second round's first match is gonna be epic! It's the guy who won his last fight by a landslide and literally left half the audience frozen. The hero course's Shoto Todoroki! And this kid almost walked out of his first matchup, but made a stunning comeback by showing off some impressive moves! Also, from the hero course. Izuku Midoriya!"

Sakyh watched the two with a nervous expression. She wanted Izuku to win if she was being honest but with how well controlled Todoroki was with his quirk and strong, she was starting to feel that wouldn't happen.

"Both of the heroes-in-training have been frontrunners in the Sports Festival! But which one of these rivals will advance to the next round? Prepare for... Midoriya versus Todoroki! Begin!!"

Just like they were asked the two began their match. Seconds later both of their quirks spring to life to take the other out. This little cat and mouse game continued with the two bouncing around the field some trying to out-think the other. Midoriyas quirk though made Sakyh wince with every counterattack thanks to the pressure it put on his body. The fight slowly started to change as Midoriya sent a quirk filled punch Todorokis way, causing a big draft to swirl the stadium.

Sakyh was grateful when Cementoss created a restraint bar for her to hold onto as she began to slowly lift from her seat. She sent him a nervous smile and giggle that made the man give a warm smile of his own back.

"Whoa! Todoroki continues his overwhelming attacks! Could this be his finishing move?"

Sakyh gasped just like probably all of the audience did. Her eyes watched Todoroki fly backward until he created a few large ice chunks to keep him from going out of bounds at the end of the ring. Her eyes darted back to her green-haired friend to see he had used one of his already broken fingers to launch another attack. She shivered just thinking of the pain and mess of his muscles and tendons he had caused. She had been so focused on that thought she hadn't realized he was talking until he raised his voice.

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