On my own part 23

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Chapter 22 the arrangement

Ricky pov

It is Sunday night . Tomorrow is my first day back at both school and work since John came home from the hospital . It is also John's first day back at the church nursery since he came home from the Hospital . I managed to get him to fall asleep relatively quickly tonight. Since he fell asleep earlier than I expected I have decided to use the extra time to get things ready for tomorrow . I have organized my school bag and made my lunch ahead of time .  Now I am in the middle of packing Johns diaper bag.

Margaret pov

Shaker we need to talk about Ethan . I don't know about you but I can honestly say that I don't trust him I told my husband. Margaret I agree with you but don't exactly understand what you mean shaker said. I have a feeling that the moment he leave this house hhe is going to skip school and hop on a bus . I think that he is going to do whatever it takes to you get out of here. You're probably right honey shaker sad . What are we going to do ? How exactly do we prevent anything like that from happening ? Shaker asked . Well now that you mention it , you I have an idea I said . Oh yeah alright let's hear it shaker said . Well I was thinking Ricky and Ethan are going to the same high school . Okay how decide help us ? Shaker asked me . I thought I could ask Ricky to come and pick him up tomorrow morning I said. I could also talk to him about keeping an eye on Ethan and make sure that he doesn't get into any trouble I said. Do you think that Ricky would really be willing to do that for us ? Shaker asked me . Shaker , honey I honestly have no idea if Ricky would it be willing to help us but it is the only thing I can think of right now I said . It can't hurt anything . It's worth a try I said. Don't you think ? I asked shaker . I guess so . The worst he could say to us would it be No. Right ? Shaker asked . That's right sweetheart . The worst thing that Ricky could say to us would be No I told shaker . Alright I think I'm going to go and give him a call now . With any luck John isn't giving him too much trouble that way ill be able to talk to him about Ethan I told shaker as I went over to the phone and picked it up .

Ricky pov

Alright let's see . I have diapers , wipes , an extra sleeper . What else do I need for John? I asked myself . Just then I heard my cell phone ring . I quickly set the half folded blanket that I had in my hand on the table and grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket . Hello I said into the phone . I was unsure ask who is on the other end because I forgot to read the caller ID . Hi son I heard my mom say. Part of me wonders what the hell what's going on ? I mean my parents rarely called me at night. The first thing but I thought was that there was some sort has an emergency with one of them or both of them . What's going on ? Are you alright ? Is dad alright ? I frantically asked them. Everything is fine . Ricky calm down ! Just relax ! My mom told me . I came to the realization that the tense tehnic tone of my voice was unnecessary as there didn't appear to be any type of emergency going on . Alright, alright I said . What can I do for you guys tonight ? I asked her. Well .... Um .... You see son she paused. Come on you know I love you guys but I don't have all night . I have a lot to do to get everything ready for both me and John tomorrow . Please just tell me what's going on I told my mom. Your father and I need to ask you a favor she told me . Exactly what kind of fever are you talking about ? I asked her . Well you know Ethan right? She asked . Yes I know Ethan I said. He is the guy that called my son a mistake I told my mom . What about Ethan ? I asked her . Your dad and I were wondering if you could come and pick him up before school and make sure that he actually goes to class instead of skipping ? My mom asked me. I laughed sarcastically . Are you serious ? You telling me you really expect me to pick up Ethan the guy  who called my son and your grandson I'm mistake ? I asked her. Yes we are my mom told me . Please Ricky ? Can you do this ? Please can you do this for me and your dad ? She asked me. I know that we are asking a lot from you . But to be completely honest with you we don't know any other way to ensure that he actually shows up to class he told me . Believe me I would love to help you pass out bbut I can't do it I told them . I have so much on my mind right now I said. Like what ? my mom asked . Its my first day back at school and work tomorrow . It is also John's first day back at the church nursery . I also have to talk to both Amy and Bella I told them. Please Ricky ? Really need you to do this for us my mom pleaded . Alright, alright I'll do it I said . But I'm just telling you guys I wouldn't do this for anyone else but you I said . John and I will be over to pick Ethan up in the morning I told them. Thank you, thank you , thank you so much Ricky ! This means so much to both your dad and I my mom said. You're welcome I said . I could hear John crying in the background . I'm sorry you guys but I really have to go I said. I love you and goodnight I said. John is up I said. I'll see you guys tomorrow . Goodnight I said. Goodnight Ricky he love you too my mom said . Kiss our grandson good night for us she said. Alright I will I said with a smile on my face before I hung up the phone . I quickly slipped my cell phone back into my pocket and made my way get John's bedroom . Daddys coming I called out to him as I got closer to the nursery . Hey little man Ias I walked over to the curb . What's going on ? What are you doing up ? I asked John as I lifted him into my arms . John continues crying in response to my questions. I quickly realized that he is in need of diaper change.  Shsh you're okay . Daddy is going to fix it I told him . I gently placed him on the changing table and quickly changed his dirty diaper. After I was finished making sure that John was comfortable I lovingly cradled him in my arms . I sat down in the rocking chair beside his crib . I I softly and slowly sing him a lullaby until he fell asleep in the warm and comfort of my embrace .  Goodnight little man. Daddy loves you so much I told John . I gently placed a warm kiss on the top of his head before I laid him down in his crib for what I hoped would be the rest of the night .

Ethan pov

I was lying in my new temporary bedroom. I laid on my bed and listened to music on my iPod. I had the song turned up and my earphones on. Just as I changed the artist that I was listening to I looked up and saw my new foster parents margaret and shaker at the door . I quickly took my earphones out of my earphones  I could give them my full attention. So what do you guys want ? I asked them pretending to care . Listen Margaret and I have something very important to discuss with you shaker told me. What do you need to talk to me about ? I asked , rolling my eyes at them . Well I just got off the phone with Ricky Margaret told me . Yeah okay , so what does being on the phone with Ricky I have to do with me ? I asked margaret . If you just listen to what I have to say you would find out she told me . Alright, alright fine ! I said with an  announced tone in my voice. Well I just finished talking to Ricky about how he and John are going to come and pick you up for school tomorrow Margaret told me. What ? Why is he going to do that ? I asked then. It's not like I need a babysitter or anything I said. I am more then old enough and mature enough to take care of myself I told them . Yes that might be true but to be completely honest with you Ethan . We don't trust you Margaret told me. What do you mean by that ? What have I ever done to make you guys not trust me ? I asked them . Let's see , you called our grandson a mistake Margaret said. You also got in trouble with the law because you posted those stupid pictures of your so called girlfriend shaker told me. Yeah , yeah . Whatever just because I made some , immoral decisions doesn't mean I'm stupid I said. It also doesn't mean that I need a babysitter I said. Well Ricky and John are coming here tomorrow morning to pick you up for school and that is 100% final , No arguments Margaret said in her signature parental tone of voice . Wait I said. What ? Shaker asked me . Why is Ricky bringing the kid over here ? I asked them . For your information the kid is our grandson and he has a name . His name is John shaker said in a frustrated tone of voice. Whatever why is Ricky bringing John over here ? I asked shaker annunciating John's name . The reason that Ricky is bringing John over here with him tomorrow is because after they pick you up and before school starts he has to bring John to the church daycare shaker explained to me . Ethan I hope that you realize this but we are not going you just automatically trust you Margaret told me. You are going to have to earn our trust just like Ricky and every other kid that has come through this house as a foster child Margaret explained to me . So let me get this straight ? You don't trust me but you trust the guy who got a teenage girl pregnant ? I asked them . Kind of interesting . Don't you think ? I commented on my question to them . Yes we don't trust you but we do trust Ricky Margaret told me. What did we say about making comments towards Ricky and John ? Shaker asked me. Shaker didn't stop to let me have a chance to even pretend to answer the question . We told you that we do not except any insults at all , especially when it comes to our son and/or our grandson shaker said in a sturn voice. Alright , alright I get it I said . Just calm the hell down ! I told him. You obviously don't get it he told me. That is exactly why you have just bought yourself a one way ticket to dishwashing duty he told me. What ? You can't be serious ? I asked in a agitated tone of voice . Oh but we are Margaret said agreeing with shaker . Okay well whatever I guess I will do the stupid dishes I said. Please just leave me alone right now I requested . I have got a big day tomorrow . It is my first day of high school tomorrow I said trying to sound the least bit excited even though in actuality I could have cared less . Alright Ethan we will let you get your beauty sleep margaret said with a huge sarcastic smile spread across her face .

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