on my own part 22

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Chapter 21 family comes first

Ricky pov

As usual I was up late with John the night before . It has been a few days since Amy and Ashley had shown up . I promised her that I would make my decision about her becoming a part of John's life for the time she has left. But before I could do that I had to have a very serious conversation with Ben. There is no way can I was going to let anyone threaten the life of my son or anyone else in my family. Unfortunately because of the fact that today was Saturday the nursery wasn't open . So I called my mom and asked if she and my dad would babysit John for me today . She said that she would but when she asked me the reason I just told her I had some errands to run . I finished packing John's diaper bag . I double checked to make sure that my mom and dad what have everything they needed in order to take care of him for the day. oh it's alright I told John. I finished feeding John his breakfast. Then I took him to the nursery . I changed him and got him dressed for the day . Come on buddy let's go I told John. After I put his shoes and coat on I got myself ready to go outside . I lifted him out of his swing into my arms . I grabbed his diaper bag off the coffee table and locked the door . You are going to spend the day playing with grandma and grandpa I told John as a buckled him into his car seat . Once I arrive at their house I threw John's diaper bag on my shoulder and lifted him out of his car seat . Once I got to the door of my parents house I knocked on it with my free hand . To my surprise both my mom and my dad were there to answer it . Hi Ricky my dad said . Hi John my mom said . Hey guys I said . Without saying anything else I rushed into the nursery that my mom and dad had set up for John . I put him in the crib and closed the door. Son are you alright ? My mom asked. What's wrong Ricky ? My dad asked . I sat down and broke into tears . Please tell us what's going on my dad said . I looked up and saw that he had John in his arms. I took a moment . I made sure my eyes were clear of tears . Amy and Ashley came to see me last night I said . My parents changed horrified looks. Why? What did she want ? My dad asked . Well first she told me that she had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer . Then she told me Ben have broken up with her . Oh and I forgot to mention I paused crying harder. Ben threatened John I told them. What do you mean by threaten ? My mom asked more horrified than before . Ben told Amy that if the next time he came over there and saw Jon . I put my head down . what was Ben going to do my dad asked? Ben basically told amy that if he ever saw John again he was going to kill him . He was going to do what? My mom questioned and a heartbroken tone . Yes Ben told Amy that he's going to kill John if he ever saw him again I told them struggling to hold back tears. Anyway I need you guys to do me a big favor ? I asked. I need you guys to babysit John so I can go over and have a little talk with ban I told them. No no not so fast my mom said . You don't have a criminal record and you're not about to get one she told me . what do you mean? I'm not stupid I told them. Ricky believe me we know that you're not stupid she told me . But we do know that you have a bit of a temper . We also know that you do anything to protect your family especially John she said. So wait a minute . What do you expect me to do ? I asked confused and frustrated . Well I'm going to call friend of mine ddown at the police station my mom told me . Okay and then what ? I sighed . Well then he's going to go over and arrest Ben she told me. Did amy say anything els? Yes but not about Ben I told them. What else did she say ? What was it about? My dad asked . She told me that she only has 6 months to live until the cancer takes her . She told me that she wants to develop some sort of relationship with John I told them. She told me that she wants to spend the time that she has left with her son I said. John will never take a chance to know his mother I mean really know his mother my mom said . I know , I know I told them. I told her that I had make decision about her having a relationship with John aas soon as they could. Well at least she didn't want to take john away from you my mom said. There's no way I'm ever going to let that happen I told them . Just then john started to get fussy. I stood up and went over to him . I lifted him out of my dad's arms and into my own . Hey little man it's alright daddy is okay I told him . Daddy it's just sad because he loves you so much and also because he would never that anything bad happened to you I told him. Ricky you're not going anywhere my mom told me as she got up to grab the home phone . She dialed the number to make the call to the friend she mentioned earlier . She explained to the officer what happened . The officer told her that unfortunately he couldn't arrest him based on hearsay. However he did say that he could question Ben and then maybe just maybe he could arrest him . I held John tightly as I listened to what my mom said over the phone. Alright its settled my mom anounced when she hung up the phone . What's settled ? I asked her . I'm going to go down to the police station and have a talk with my friend about Ben my mom told me. I'm going with you I told her. Fine you can come but just Keep Calm she told me. I don't want you to say anything that I know you will end up regretting later she warned me. I sighed . Dad can you watch John for me when I go to the Station with mom ? I pleaded . Of course I will he told me. Don't worry about a thing John will be fine you reassured me. I know that he will dad I told him. Thank you so much this means so much to me I told him . I handed John to my dad . Goodbye little man I told John. He started crying . Don't worry daddy will be back soon I reassured him . Oh John it's alright you're going to have fun with Grandpa my dad told him. Call me if you have any problems with him I told my dad. Ricky don't worry about it . We will be fine my dad said with a smile on his face . I know I'm always like this when I leave him with anyone even you guys I told him. I guess I just don't like the thought of him being upset while I'm gone I said. I gave John one last hug before I left . Then I followed my mom into the car.

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